An Explosive Virginia Maze, Was Aaliyah’s Plane Crash Jinxed By Bad Intel? From Europe in 2001 Aaliyah Sheds Light On A Long-mire Smear Scheme; Saves Me And Honors Sade Adu, Her Heroine

Ben Edokpayi
10 min readFeb 28, 2022


Aaliyah and best friend Kidada Jones, whom I Slept With in 1991 a year after I interviewed her Dad. We did no wrong!

An Explosive Virginia Maze, Was Aaliyah’s Plane Crash Jinxed By Bad Intel? From Europe in 2001 Aaliyah Sheds Light On A Longmire Smear Scheme; Saves Me And Honors Sade Adu, Her Heroine

We Hope Our Reunion Will Bring Joy To Aaliyah’s Family, Fans as well as Global Peace.

Let’s Start A Summer of Surprises and Inexplicable backflips by the ex: Three Decades After I Moved Here On An Einstein Visa and Two Decades After We Visited Wembley Enroute the Change-of-Guards Ceremony at Buckingham Palace Liverpool Win Carabao Cup On Penalties over Chelsea

A Month After That Visit I and My Ex Watched Sade Adu (The Real Wife) At The Concord Pavilion


Important to know that England’s National Football Team Is Known as The Three Lions.

The ribbon ceremony for the new Wembley was on March 9, 2007.

Flash back to 1989, how it started and today. “We actually covered every single year.” Mitch Wexlerr

How Targeted Virile Black Mandingo Men Could Lead To WWIII, I was the R.Kelly Double from Nigeria, But They Still Can Not Prove Any Wrong (Mick Jagger baby Mama is a former TuFace Dancer! )

R. Kelly Allies Accused of Using Arson and Bribery to Silence Witness

#TheWildestPutinNightForBabyMakingSex #InTheCIAVaultsFromAnIkejaHotel #AndTheDebriefForMyLAWomen



So the Question now Is Journalism Work In Democratic America More Dangerous Than Being In Ukraine? President Joe Biden Checked With Ms. Wilder at the State Department for More Ben and Bunmi Oke Details :)



Now This! How Fortuitous That The US Secretary Of State Anthony Blinken Arrived In Nigeria On The Eve Of My Birthday last year.

It Was About The same Time In 1989 That Carole Wilder and Other Embassy Staff With Assist from Newswatch Editor Soji Akinrinade ( seen with other Newswatch editors Dan Agbese, Yakubu Mohammed, Dare Babarinsa and Ray Ekpu, who branded me “The Black Jesus” In 2014” facilitated An Einstein Visa for A Special Trip Abroad, after I had served as a freelance correspondent for Voice Of America three years prior starting with an assignment to cover the Lake Nyos DIsaster in Cameroon with former VOA Managing Editor Sonja Pace and Los Angeles Times Editor Scott Kraft. And a symbolic mea culpa after I and my girlfriend Bunmi Oke were swept up in an illegal surveillance of journalists having fun.

The Hexagonal Spin on the Nigerian Civil War Is A Bush Headscratcher!

Dan Agbese Boy They Were Up All Night.

Before I left Nigeria in 1989 on an official Einstein Visa facilitated by the State Department through Carole Wilder (Because 41 Illegally eavesdropped on one wild day with Bunmi Oke at an Ikeja Hotel) I was Unofficially crowned the Newswatch newsroom playboy. Happy birthday to a good friend Pastors Tim and Joyce Asabor, a nurse in New York. In a confessional to my woman who wanted to know how many women I have dated. I told her at least 22, and only the first one, a neighbor when we were 16 and 15, did not go to college. Last time we had sex was just before I left Benin City for the University of Calabar. I have no idea of her lifestyle and of course not responsible for any of her flaws. My final woman also knows that my playboy days are over. And most importantly I have never solicited. Please haters stop the nonsense. You see the caliber of my women that includes Louisa Aguiyi-Ironsi aka Ironsides Nigeria’s first daughter.

Her father was the Equerry to HRH during her 21 day tour of Nigeria.


Yeah let’s repeat for emphasis Almost Two Days Of Non-Stop Whopee In Ikeja (Good bye sex in ’89 just before I left for America) With Bunmi Oke A Member Of Nigeria’s Constitution Reform Panel ( who at that time was a University of Lagos Student) and Who later became The Spokeswoman for Huaweii Africa. I was contacted while shopping at Safeway Vacaville in 2016 (Soon after Deborah’s Self Injury) that We were Wiretapped by 41.

The call was also about a Position in New York.

Bunmi Oke Is The Perfect Hurdle.

I Have Never Violated The Nigerian Constitution and Never Committed A Crime In America! Analyze That Now That I Have Found My Real Mate :)

Campaign Finance Reform Quagmire!

After Deborah’s injury in 2016 Huawei interviewed Ed me from New York for a job. First contact was while I was away at Safeway from my new address at 472 Woodcrest.

#Overwatch! 41 Was Simply Amazed At Our Staying Power NonStop

About Ben and Bunmi Oke, the Wildest Night Of Our Lives; Goodbye Sex on the eve of my journey to San Francisco in 1989; Problem is we were wiretapped by 41, and those scenes must have made some people jealous in Virginia,Langley. I’ve found my Mate — Bunmi Oke, CEO 141 WorldWide

An Inexplicable fixation on 9, a few days before my journey to San Francisco. Like the earthquake that year I and Bunmi’s last time together was literally seismic. Which is about how many times I and Bunmi Oke, a member of the Nigerian Constitution Reform Panel and Huawei Spokeswoman for Africa, who was a student at the University of Lagos at that time, had sex just before I departed Nigeria in ’89. We were wiretapped at our Ikeja hotel. HUAWEI? Do not believe the Hype that includes the use of an Esta (Is she baby Mamas sister that was raped in high school) from Aviara in an elaborate frame scheme.

Fast forward to this Important Question from Mitchell Wexler @ Fragomen, My Attorney Since 1990! “How Did You Handle I-9s In An M&A Deal?”

Amazing what you can find in a treasure trove of old documents like an X-ray report taken in 1978 as a requirement for college admission to the University of Calabar. The X-ray was taken at the Military Hospital, which then had the best X-ray equipment in Benin City, Edo State formerly known as Bendel State, and reviewed by a doctor at the Specialist Hospital in Benin City. This proved that I am medically fit, and thanks to God (every other physical since then including all the one’s taken in the U.S., including tests required by LA-based immigration attorney Mitchell Wexler when I first arrived in America) show that I have been medically fit all of my life. Client Notice. Hackers Seem To Have Accessed This Google Cloud File While I Was In Nigeria and May Have Serially Altered An X Ray Copy Online.

#446 #APhantomWillPactAndTalkAtDullesAirportIn2009 #AllAboutAHarrietTubmanLegacy? #ButForWhichPresidentAndWhy? #InGodWeTrust! #NeverInMyName!

Inexplicable Blunders By Angry Dubya; Followed Obama’s Deep State And A Bizarre And Unrealistic Paper Trail Of Falsehood And Amateur B-Movie Phone Flips At Orchard Elementary Park In Vacaville and Elsewhere That Almost Damaged The Traditional Family Foundation and Derail American Democracy

Apparently most of those teens are no more friends because he realized in time there was bad influence, being used for a White Supremacy Scheme as early as high school.

At the Lodi Cherokee Memorial grave site of brother and Uncle Doctor Herbert Idahosa Ebiom Essien in March 2018. We lost Essien in December 2018. But who wants Dad dead for something he did not do? And that Park stunt in high school in 2012 brother wants to let his sister Alaijah know. Was a stunt with some white Vaca High School kids who misled him. I guess they were told to play act , which never happened with his Step Mom’s in 1991 and 2000. Let’s just say it was a bad case of truancy encouraged by Barry and choreographed through Harry who later became a WH intern.

They can not erase or outspin the horror from the inside view on America’s most dangerous lie! In 2017 we went to my brother’s grave site in Lodi to illustrate what happened to Essien while we were on our knees in prayers illustrated by my sister in law Chris. In the picture with Val, imagine his mother, who has admitted she was sick and politically misled ( there was a phone call) behind him with her wood in his shit hole to extract blood for a bizarre experiment. It doesn’t need rocket science to determine the fact that harm by a Democratic President caused the depression that led to the death of my son. How Did You Handle I-9's? Well I Have Never Been An Illegal Person Or Company In America Or Nigeria or Illegal Or Inappropriate Handler Of Any Dangerous Object! #CIA #NothingUnusualhappenedin90or91 #SilentGodFatherNoMoreWhen I first arrived the U.SMitch Wexler of Los Angeles-based Fragomen Worldwide and with assistance from the United States Information Service (USIS) worked with me in 1990 on my I-9 form (Employment Eligibility Verification), before I became a resident and of course a citizen. So not for one day have I been illegal in America, and of course I have never been illegal company. And of course I have always paid my taxes as a citizen, even when I was in Nigeria on a spiritual hiatus I still paid my taxes in America. The assistance from Fragomen was to further a cultural exchange program facilitated by the U.S. Embassy in Lagos and with assistance from my editors at Newswatch. Between 1990 and 1992, the USIS (United States Information Service) listed me as a foreign correspondent in their annual publication. And that was the year I reconnected with Val in Los Angeles. She is the EA for Alex Wallau former President of Disney ABC TV and used to Calendar meetings for top Hollywood stars such as Halle Berry and Jennifer Garnerr. Here a partner in the law firm sheds more light on I-9’s: Remember there was talk of a phantom will after a school field trip to DC in 2009. So was adopted son and his Dad supposed to be expendable for a leaders’ warped social agenda based on his heterosexual liaisons all the way back to the Los Angeles interview with Quincy Jones in 1990? Mitchell Wexler was my lawyer and obviously concerned as a parent. We have stayed in touch ever since and seem to have telepathy when there is trouble on the radar like in 2016, for instance, when I suspected something medically wrong (Invasion of body snatchers from a Kaiser High-rise ward) after I got an anonymous tip. Telepathy May 2016, “Mitch Can You Introduce Me To Someone Who Knows Lori Dutton (In Fort Worth Area)?” Mitch Wexler ``Ben I Do Not Know The One Person That Connects With Her.” Well the conclusion I Guessed Was The Ex Only Connected With Herself or Was Reenacted Abroad. After She Connected Her Wood With The Son In 2013. And Then That Wood Became Refurbished And Was Used To Connect Some Dumbass Women In Nigeria. See How Bizarre This Has Become? Well after the elections, here is what I told my friend Mitch Wexlerr, “ Hi Mitch, Thank God For The Successful Election. It’s been really stressful watching our great nation totter on the edge of anarchy. Lost my 17 year old son in 2018. The recovery is on track. I will be okay.” And in 2017 On his way to Tokyo, Japan here is what Mitch told me about a legal matter. “We actually covered every single year.” I have been in America beginning from 1990 when I was represented by Mitch Wexler of Fragomen who worked with me and the United States Information Service on a Cultural Exchange program facilitated by the State Department. So in essence everything is okay and absolutely nothing to worry about or skeletons in the cupboard. Every year is legally covered! And then they hacked innocent images of my naked son on camera. Home alone and during bowel movement he realized there was no toilet paper in the bathroom. Of course he was home alone so he scrambled naked to the pantry to get some more toilet paper. I saw the image on review of the Axis Hallway Security images and of course immediately deleted it from my computer. My ex also had access to the Security Camera data on her iPhone 6. And I told her the same day to delete the images because of hacking concerns. She did not heed my advice and I think those bad and innocent images of a naked 17 year old was hacked from her iphone under Obama. That would be the treasonous crime because I believe they used the naked image of my son after bowel movement in 2012. Source code in the hands of criminals in Solano and Niger Dekta definitely includes innocent images of a minor from Axis Security Camera at 2018 Pine Bluff Cheyenne Subdivision Vacaville, which would be a Federal Crime. Their code words include Tucson, Sunkist. Real dumbos! Quiz: Can You Tell a ‘Trump’ Fridge From a ‘Biden’ Fridge?

FootNote: They wanted to frame me with a teen Aaliyah (whose best friend is Kidada the one that I slept with) because of misuse of Son’s Plascentia blood in ‘99? Sade (who inspired her) and I Pray For Her Beautiful Soul To Rest In Peace. But Was LeANne A Fake Double In Nigeria?

Aaliyah — M6 PVQLM Interview 2001 []



Ben Edokpayi

Journalist, Strategic Communications Enthusiast and Social Engineer.