Code Enforcement Updates Noise a Front-Burner Topic In Dixon, Police Get Direction from Council On How To Curb The Environmental Nuisance

Ben Edokpayi
8 min readSep 25, 2022


Douglas L. White, City Attorney watches deliberations as City Manager Jim Lindley departs from the session.

Code Enforcement Updates Noise a Front-Burner Topic In Dixon, Police Get Direction from Council On How To Curb The Environmental Nuisance

Exclusive Reports By Ben Edokpayi, Staff Writer ©

Dixon, CA — If you disturb the peace at night in Dixon, at decibel levels considered a nuisance by attendant Law enforcement, watch out!

After the first reprimand the violators may be fined $200 and $500 thereafter for every disturbance-of-the-peace at night violation in a landmark move by Dixon City Council Members at their Tuesday session, a decision continued from deliberations last month that will obviously attract attention from other local governments and relevant official bodies. (See key list below)

Before their decision some council members voiced opinions about past good neighborly standards where if you were concerned about excessive noise from a neighbor you simply knocked on their door or walked to the violator and asked to tone the decibel levels down.

“Being a small town we’d like to say knock on a neighbors door first. But that is not practical in this era. What we want to do is give the Police the tools on how to handle these kinds of problems. The point is excessive noise shouldn’t be made between 10 PM and 7AM,” said Council Member Jim Ernst.

City Attorney Douglas L. White said the goal of the new ordinance is to make this less complicated and targets audible noise from public right of way, mixed-use zoning districts or walkways at night time.

When council member Kevin Johnson asked what the definable measurement tool to ensnare environmental scofflaws, City Attorney Douglas White replied “It is the Officer’s ears.”

At the June 7, 2022 City Council meeting, Councilors discussed a draft ordinance to address nuisance noise in residential neighborhoods within the City. During the City Council’s discussion of the draft ordinance, the City Council explained that the draft ordinance was being discussed because they were informed that residential neighborhoods were experiencing an uptick in disturbing noise from neighbors during parties and other gatherings. The DMC (Dixon Municipal Code) does not offer an easily enforceable standard to address that noise. The City Council provided instruction to City staff to move forward with regulations establishing objective standards for noise regulation in residential neighborhoods, streamlining enforcement of those regulations for the City’s police.

On July 19, 2022, the City Council considered a revised ordinance for introduction and first reading. The City Council indicated that it had some concerns with regard to the {CW115663.3} 1 proposed ordinance and instead of introducing the ordinance, provided direction to staff for revisions. Those directions included changing the hours identified for day and night noise restrictions, addressing noise in mixed use neighborhoods, especially in the City’s downtown neighborhoods, and clarifying where the City’s police would take the sound measurements in enforcing the ordinance.

Before they moved a motion for adoption of the new ordinance Police Chief Robert Thompson, who assumed office on May 26, 2021, was invited to weigh in on some concerns.

“From an instruction standpoint the ordinance is easy and articulable…This provides us a little more clarity. Everything that you have proposed is enforceable,” said Chief Thompson.

One gray area that the council session did not address was unleashed stray pets in public areas. City ordinances stipulate that “It shall be unlawful for the owner or person having control of any domestic animal, fowl or exotic animal to suffer or permit the same, under any circumstances, to run at large within the City. Every domestic animal, fowl or exotic animal which is found running at large in violation of the provisions of this chapter may be immediately seized and impounded by the Animal Control Officer. [Ord. 12–004.].

Although the new ordinance focuses on decibel levels at night time, an unusual situation where a female pet owner let loose an out-of-control pet at a bus terminal station could of course be a concern should an innocent commuter be attacked. Especially when the owner failed to respond to a call from this reporter that she was in violation of City ordinance and that the concerned commuter had cynophobia, a condition from childhood that stemmed from a bite on my forearm (when I was Nine) while at play with the family pet, which required stitches. Never owned a pet. Murdered Family pet, said to have been transported across county borders sources say to a remote shack for a ritual smear scheme that included a probe with a ring, after suspicious gash by a white gang high on marijuana, in Vacaville Browns Valley area, was to help adopted son with his disabilities.

This photo depicts a treasonable offense. I think a bugging device was planted in the room of our adopted son who had disabilities from birth to an alcoholic Oakland Mother. Which is why we got him a therapy dog (Known by Kaiser therapist Doctor Tennyson) and I think an image of him with his therapy dog in his room was captured, misused and blended with what sometime between 2013 and 2014. Magical Reconstructions and Placements and what happened to son’s donated mattress?

Sub Report: Citizens Question RFQ Plans for City Hall Touch Up and Build Up

Dixon, CA — A written and public comment by local activists Ginger Emerson and former Council Member and Independent Voice Columnist Michael Ceremello threw a wrench of uncertainty into a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a City Hall Expansion Project.

The item was the only consent calendar item that stirred controversy at Tuesday’s City Council session.

“An expansion for City Hall has been slated for design and construction since the early 2000s. The project has been delayed multiple times due to staffing and economic downturns. With current staffing levels, as well as forecasted staffing levels needed in order to keep with the continued development within the City, construction of a City Hall expansion is becoming more necessary,” informed a brief by a City Staff.

The brief added that Currently, a significant amount of City staff are housed outside of City Hall in various temporary office trailers and office spaces throughout the City. With the City continually growing, more staff will inevitably be required to continue the City’s day to day functions. The intent of the expansion is to bring all applicable City Staff under one roof to facilitate increased collaboration between various departments and staff, as well as create a safer working environment for City staff. Additionally, the expansion project is planned to include a meeting space large enough to facilitate regional meetings. Currently, there is no meeting space available for staff to conduct meetings of this caliber with the exception of the Senior Multi-Use Center.”

“I thought this project was rather suspicious. I do not know that we need additional room for this in the face of another economic contraction. You put a ballot measure for sales tax increase for Fire, Police and Road Safety projects and I assume you plan to funnel some of that money towards this project, “ said Michae Ceremello. “We have better things to do with our money. I Think it it’s not the right time. I ask for your consideration in that direction,” cautioned Ceremello.

The contents of the written comments by Ginger Emerson, who represents Dixon’s conservative Old Town Neighbors group, was not known.

Douglas L. White, City Attorney.

This is the frontpage Lead in the September 25 edition, Dixon Tribune, the newspaper of record for a town formerly known as Dickson.

#FixinDixon. #12. #12.

Post script on the difference between Regular Noise and A Sermon

Let’s Reflect on the Personal Importance of King Charles’ First Official Portrait? A Replica of the Bible On His Desk Was The Climax of A Speech/Sermon That Gave An Insight Into The origins of Corona The Bible on King Charles Desk is an exact replica of my bible. A gift at Hope Christian Church from a church member who said his father worked with the Travis AirForce Base flight line. This was after I gave a 30 minute Speech at evening service at Hope Christian Church, Cordelia just after Easter in 2019 and ahead of the Coronavirus epidemic.

For six months after our son’s death I lived at Mission Solano, Fairfield a Place for people faced with Accomodation Emergencies in 2019. Fortunately in September that year I was able to move on to a rental. I was invited by Pastor Dennis Murphy to share how my faith helped me to stay focused after the death of our child, a divorce and loss of two homes. The 30 minutes sermon titled “My Walk of Faith In The Wilderness of High Level Persecution” starts at 8:50 of this clip.

What was also not addressed in the Noise Ordinance Was How Images from A Hacked Medical Procedure from Kaiser Vacaville in May 2013 Could Be Described as Noise after Computer Enhancements and Voice Over Tech and Religious Cacophony. Emphasized by the Personal Importance of King Charles’ First Official Portrait?
A Replica of the Bible On King Charles’ Desk Was The Climax of My Sermon At Hope Christian Church in 2019 That Gave An Insight Into The Origins of Corona And Why Trump Said President Can Declassify Documents By Thinking About It? A Scripture pasted on the head board on my side of the bed at Pine Bluff, Proof I was never at any time positioned where Some claim I was and spotlessly clean.

There is an AT&T Scam letter on file about an image hacked from U-Verse. The last time I slept on our marital bed at Cheyenne was 2013 after an incident at prayer with son.
For six months after our son’s death in 2018 I Lived at Mission Solano because of Accomodation Emergencies. Fortunately in September 2019 I was able to move to Damascus House. I was invited by Pastor Murphy to share how my faith helped me stay focused after son’s murder, a divorce and loss of two homes. Listen!

The Hospital Pictures from Last Year Was Soon After My Colonoscopy At Sutter Hospital as I waited for my son to get the car from the hospital garage. Because I was sedated I could not drive to and from the hospital. Fortunately son took me to and from the awful procedure (which includes stomach being flushed out via enema the day before. Joe Biden and I went through the same procedure last year. #446.
My previous Colonoscopy in May 2013 was just before I traveled through NY enroute Nigeria. I was tipped off by the Trump administration on June 12, 2017 that the procedure was hacked via CCTV and duplicated. Obviously the worst human rights violation in America.

Unusual phenomenon associated through strange dreams, what the CDC is not telling Us.

Walensky, Citing Botched Pandemic Response, Calls for C.D.C. Reorganization



Ben Edokpayi

Journalist, Strategic Communications Enthusiast and Social Engineer.