Exclusive! Good News for Solano, Dixon On Track for Fire Station 82

Ben Edokpayi
4 min readAug 12, 2022


Exclusive! Good News for Solano, Dixon On Track for Fire Station 82

By Ben Edokpayi, Staff Writer ©

Word Count 803 https://twitter.com/DocGoCares/status/1557730328948551681?s=20&t=IN6PDnppChwqAh2cPnOC_g

Air Horn Levels, Emergency Response Time, Water and Architectural Aesthetics were the topic du jour on Tuesday when City Planners deliberated on a new Fire Station earmarked for Dixon’s Southwest Area.

The presentation for Station 82 by Fire Chief Todd McNeal, with expert assistance from the Consultants, was certainly chock-full of good information for the project to move on to the next stage.

The hour-long deliberation started with information by the Fire Chief that approval for the project was now more important than ever with the rapid increase of development, and no forecast of slowing down in the city’s south west nexus (Corner of Pitt School Rd/Lavender Lane.)

It is imperative that the City begin the design process to maintain response times and provide emergency services to the growing community. Additionally, in order to be prepared for possible state and federal funding, design of Fire Station 82, planners were informed.

A journalist who lives in that neck of the woods said she spoke for residents who expressed concerns about sirens becoming a nuisance when Fire Station 82 is launched. The Fire Chief assured Deborah (Independent Voice Editor) that discretion will be used on the decibel level of sirens especially at night.

“It will be the company officer’s discretion on how much siren to use, especially at night time. We do not need to be riding the apron all the way through Stop Signals,” he said, and added “ With a Large Apparatus assume at 2 AM on a Sunday Morning the Company Officer Does Not Step On The Air Horn Needlessly.”

The Fire Chief Informed Planners that Fire Station 82 is designed in a pull-through configuration to accommodate 4 pieces of fire apparatus. It will be approximately 8,000 square-feet, all in one story.

Four dorm style accommodations, two shower spaces, a kitchen and other living areas are included. Also included are a small office space, a public lobby, a fitness room, and five apparatus bays with associated utility spaces. The design is intended to “fit” as well as possible into the surrounding neighborhood. At this time, we only have very preliminary schematics to share including a schematic site plan, he said.

The same presentation will be given at the next Transportation Advisory Committee and Parks and Recreation Commission sessions as the first steps in a long drawn out process.

At the end of the presentation Jack Caldwell, Planning Commission Chair effuseively thanked Fire Chief Todd McNeal.

“Appreciate your presentation and what you do for us,” said Jack Caldwell.

Bill Fairfield, Todd McNeal’s predecessor was profiled in the Dixon Tribune after a Congressional Medal of Honor Award, in an edition after I previewed another hometown heroine’s success story.

Click Here for The Reports.



Solano County Firemen’s Association, Important list of the County’s honorable leaders of our First Responders! We thank Them. On three occasions ( an accident on Peabody and Alamo in 2007 — the only time I have ever been impacted from behind, which I wrote about, an accident in May this year, and a GastroIntestinal emergency, which resulted in profuse bleed from the rear from something I ingested in 2010 (As bad as eating food with drano or a more toxic concoction made near the kitchen sink https://www.ocregister.com/2022/08/09/irvine-man-says-wife-tried-to-poison-him-with-drano-obtains-restraining-order/ 44 ) condition detected at Kaiser by Doctor Sandra Lee who said the toxic substance affected my digestive system https://www.instagram.com/p/ChIkflmNky9/ and metabolism, that condition flared up last year with hemorrhoids on the day of General Colin Powell’s funeral and required an overnight admission at North Bay Fairfield — Never been stitched — I have seen the efficiency and professionalism of First Responders. Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Hemorrhoids https://nyti.ms/3dq1m6G https://www.thereporter.com/2007/02/23/is-your-mind-on-driving/ )

Doctor Lee says I should make a complete recovery in the right environment and the kind of wife who will not be influenced for Political reasons. The Poisoned Relationship Between Trump and the Keepers of U.S. Secrets https://nyti.ms/3SIJnbG


Caption: Former State Senator Mariko Yamada and Japanese-American (behind me https://www.davisenterprise.com/news/local/yamadas-childhood-shaped-her-legislative-priorities/ ) and the former mayor of the city of Dixon Jack Batchelor making a presentation to me at a ceremony at the Dixon Fire Station 81 at a 9/11 anniversary in the city of Dixon. A presentation I made at a Dixon City Council meeting was pivotal in a unanimous city council decision to install two metal beams from the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York at the Dixon Fire Department (in 2011) in honor of 9/11 victims that incude a relative Sadie Ette, and her Parents Professor Sunday Itauma Ette and My Aunty Ekaette Ette who died in a New York Hospital in 2007 from Sepsis Shock soon after a visit by the ex-wife. Deborah in the company of former Council Member Steve Alexander attended this ceremony.



A NATION CHALLENGED: THE PILGRIMS; A Family, Coming From Africa To Grieve https://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/27/nyregion/a-nation-challenged-the-pilgrims-a-family-coming-from-africa-to-grieve.html


Meanwhile far away in Nigeria Firefighters Saved The Nigerian National Assembly from being gutted.

Mobile Punch! Fire guts documents, furniture, others at National Assembly https://punchng.com/fire-guts-documents-furniture-others-at-national-assembly/

This detailed online article is a version of the lead in the August 12 Dixon Tribune print edition.




Ben Edokpayi

Journalist, Strategic Communications Enthusiast and Social Engineer.