Exclusive Report! Vacaville/Dixon Greenbelt Authority Postpones Tonight’s Session At City Hall

Ben Edokpayi
3 min readAug 10, 2022


IDF Land Ops. During the operation to kill the terrorist Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, the dog Zili from the canine unit of the IMM was injured and died. Zili was part of the unit, loved and professional. He will be missed by the unit, the dogs and the fighters (incendiary device similar to a Pepper Ball in Gang Murdered Pet — Davis 2013 blended with photos from where?) that he repeatedly accompanied in operational activities. Photo Courtesy Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid. https://www.idf.il/en/ https://twitter.com/I_Told__You__So/status/1553665213823844352?s=20&t=8Xfvx_GIC8jUVn_cr3iQvg

Exclusive Report! Vacaville/Dixon Greenbelt Authority Postpones Tonight’s Session At City Hall

By Ben Edokpayi, Staff Writer ©

Word Count 645

Dixon, CA- A regular meeting of the Vacaville/Dixon Greenbelt Authority scheduled for today at City Hall has been canceled.

Officials did not give a new date for their next session.

Supported by the Solano County Board of Supervisors, the goals of the VDGA include

  • Create a countywide park and open space district in Solano County by securing support for ballot measures that establish and fund the district.
  • Renew urban growth boundaries in Fairfield by 2020 and in Benicia by 2023.
  • Foster thriving, walkable neighborhoods with new homes, shops, and jobs for people across the income spectrum, as proposed in the Heart of Fairfield Plan.
  • Build a new constituency of Solano residents invested and interested in “good growth” policies.

Ninety percent of Solano County’s 430,000 residents live within one of the county’s seven cities — from water-front towns like Benicia and Suisun City to bustling job centers like Fairfield to the farming communities of Dixon and Rio Vista. Over the years, Greenbelt Alliance has worked with partners like the Orderly Growth Committee to institute groundbreaking policies that encourage smart growth within existing towns and cities and promote the protection of Solano County’s natural and agricultural heritage.

These initiatives include Spare The Air https://www.sparetheair.org/ Alerts in collaboration with Yolo-Solano AQMD to spotlight nascent and incipient environmental hazards and alleviate the prevalence of asthma, especially in schools.

“Asthma is a chronic lung condition that makes it hard to breathe. Swelling in the airways can cause asthma symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Asthma attacks or episodes can be caused by triggers. Triggers include pollution, pet dander, mold, pollen, exercise, tobacco, wood smoke, dust mites, or infections like the cold or flu.” informs a bulletin from the California Department of Public Health. https://www.cdph.ca.gov/

Asthma rates increased dramatically during the last three decades. Every year about 40,000 Californians are hospitalized because of asthma and African-Americans are at greater risk for hospitalization and death compared to other racial groups. Hospitalization rates among children are much higher than other age groups.

In 2006 while I was editor of the Dixon Tribune, this reporter and Melissa Murphy, who covered Dixon City Hall for a Solano Paper and now editor at the Santa Cruz Sentinel were recognized by the Green Belt Alliance and the Solano Asthma Coalition for our enterprise journalism to shield the local environment with a series of articles that focused on the County’s Wood Burn Ordinance, the Kinder Morgan fuel leak in the Grizzly Island area of the Suisun Marshland, a massive oil tanker fire on Interstate 80. The massive oil spill was in the tidal wetlands in the Hill Slough Wildlife Area of the Suisun Marsh.


A major Spill Revisited in this medium article






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Meanwhile, Israel Scores a Big Win In A Land-Use Conflict That Has Gripped Global Attention For All the Wrong Reasons

Israeli forces kill al-Aqsa Brigades commander in Nablus Raid



Lead feature in the Wednesday August 10 edition of the Dixon Tribune. Newspaper of record for the city of Dixon formerly known as Dickson.



Ben Edokpayi

Journalist, Strategic Communications Enthusiast and Social Engineer.