Happy Boxer’s Day Stop The Pretensions All Pause and Read Why I think Putin’s Call For A Truce Is Real And Why I am Victim of An Inexplicably Reckless Witch Hunt Based On Intellectual Property

Ben Edokpayi
7 min readDec 26, 2022


Happy Boxer’s Day Stop The Pretensions All Pause and Read Why I think Putin’s Call For A Truce Is Real And Why I am Victim of the Most Dangerous Witch Hunt Ever

Special Report By Ben Edokpayi ©

WordCount 1598

On this Christmas Celebrate Jesus and Recall Anointment of Charismatic Televangelist Benny Hinn by my Spiritual Intercessor Archbishop Benson Idahosa in 98. Interviewed him for Quality. Joe Remember Some Lines Are Not Meant To Be Crossed. Watch Again! https://www.instagram.com/stories/aobiakalusi/3000865751420443349/





Happy Boxers Day and Kwanzaa in Advance America; Celebrate the Beauty of Blackness as well as our intelligence!

Consider this An Important Letter From Our Murdered 17-year old son Essien Edokpayi And Why Vladimir Putin Invaded Ukraine!

They Smeared His Whole Nation With A Twist About Russian Adoptions and Jealousy about my pioneer work as the first black editor of the Dixon Tribune between 2002 and 2006! It included a bizarre twist about cows found dead in a circle in a local farm. They were struck by lightning. And Somehow Moscow became a Meme. https://www.economist.com/weeklyedition/2019-11-02 That is what they call righteous indignation.https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40673583

To Lovers of Extreme Contact Sports, Happy Boxing Day! While I am nostalgic about the other kind of rumble under the sheets with Rhonda Rousey ( Not to be confused with son’s first day care provider Rhonda Riggins whose husband committed suicide because he was torn by indecent exposure to the Day Care kids I think in 1995 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/10/08/trump-attacks-gop-sen-corker-didnt-have-the-guts-to-run-for-reelection/ ) I Have Never Been In Any Kind of Men’s Combat Sports or fight. Have A Good Laugh! The witch hunt still does not make any sense! Absolutely no cause for concern. I am a clean, straight environmental journalist! A CalSafer Project. And this is legal data.




Read More America!

COVID-19: With a spike in China and elsewhere What Do We Need To Know About Airborne Transmission & The Proper Way To Wear A Mask ? ( Speakers on this show are Jose-Luis Jimenez, professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Colorado Boulder; Mark Nicas, emeritus professor of Environmental Health Sciences at UC Berkeley; Rachael Jones, associate professor of family and preventive medicine at the University of Utah.) https://www.kalw.org/post/covid-19-what-do-we-need-know-about-airborne-transmission-proper-way-wear-mask#stream/0 Mark Nicas PhD, MPH, CIH, is an Adjunct Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at UC Berkeley; whose research involves exposure/risk assessment for microbial pathogens and chemical toxicants. He was also a member of the state’s Green Ribbon Science Panel, which I supported as Public Information Officer. The Presentation by Mark Nicas was at the CalEPA Headquarters. The Green Ribbon Science Panel acts as a resource and provides advice to the Department of Toxic Substances Control on a variety of scientific and technical matters related to developing green chemistry and chemicals policy recommendations & implementation strategies for the state of California Environmental Protection Agency, and the Office of the Governor. Photo Credits. By Ben Edokpayi. https://dtsc.ca.gov/grsp/green-ribbon-science-panel-members/

Here Is My Announcement About The Green Ribbon Science Panel Members! https://dtsc.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2019/04/News_Release_T-09-16.pdf

And please remember to make health your top priority in the New Year as we pray that our friends Putin and Zelensky find time to meet face to face and end a senseless War. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-says-russia-wants-end-war-all-conflicts-end-with-diplomacy-2022-12-22/ https://www.cbsnews.com/.../ukraine-russia-pope-francis.../ I have scheduled my Annual Physical for January. Since 1991 I have always had annual physical exams and I have never failed them including blood (Whoever dreamed up the idea of mixing our pure blood is insane) and urine tests. Aunty Sandra Roberts is a former DOD employee. She and Uncle Sam ( An Engineer with Ford Motors) are retired in SoCal. https://www.defense.gov/ Originally from Long Beach Aunty Sandra was a contractor at a Major AirForce Base before her retirement.

The Off Ramp for Putin? How Football Exposed A Sick White Cell In Virginia, The Truth About Adoptions That May Prevent WWIII

Exclusive Reports By Ben Edokpayi ©

Word Count 928

The Off Ramp for Putin? How Football Exposed A Sick White Cell In Virginia, The Truth About Adoptions That May Prevent WWIII

Exclusive Reports By Ben Edokpayi ©

Word Count 928

And Now For The Bizarre Racial Twist About My Work At The Tribune.

#WhyMe? #SystemicAndNonsensicalRetaliationScheme! #CIARedherring #Theyoweme #Xenophobia #911

In America, a Black Journalist Writing About a Bomb Threat Makes Him a Target of Xenophobes and Racists! “Original headline — Bomb Scare in Downtown Dixon (Was this story used to taint/target me?)

Preface: Did A DA and the CIA plant a bug at my home during an illegal Swat Team Drill! And would that be under the nose of a racist DA? Remember my late Aunt’s corpse may have been tampered with in 2007 (At about the same time of this drill in 2007. If her remains and that of my cousin Sadie Ette, a 9/11 victim, were tampered with would this not be a classic red herring and Witch Hunt case if the SolaNo County DA is involved! And wouldn’t this be worse than anything Adolf Hitler would have imagined!

Just before we moved into our new Million Dollar home in 2007 (At the exclusive Cheyenne subdivision area of Vacaville) I got word that the Solano County’s Special Weapons and Tactical Training Unit had used our uncompleted home for anti-terrorism training.

Concerned by this I approached DR Horton the builder.

Steve Laird, the D.R. Horton rep then told me “Ben, I do not recall, cannot confirm or deny.”

Well, when a government official tells you something like that you know they are hiding something.

Now I still wonder why they would choose the home of the only African (Yes the jealous people also stole my Stars and Stripes Flag in front of my home twice) in that neighborhood for their SWAT training.

Picture shows retired Bob Powell, who was in charge of the County’s Emergency Task Force. The other picture at a 9/11 commemoration shows Dixon Mayor Presenting a Key To The City of Dixon. Behind me is Senator Mariko YamaDA (She knows about 1991.)

So why should a Journalist recognized for making the County safer through my work as a journalist become a target for George Bush and the DA?

And did they provide this as a subscript for some degenerate coverts and criminals here and in Nigeria?

By Ben Edokpayi, Editor, Dixon Tribune

(Story available at the Dixon Library for any one who wants to trace this to Virginia. The pictures show me and my surrogate Mom Sarah Villec, Advertising Manager of the Tribune and former Dixon Mayor MaryAnn Courville and Police Chief Don Mort. I covered this story with a white reporter. Go figure who got more attention between the black and white reporter from doing their job.)

Downtown Dixon was tense for a few hours Friday as law enforcement agents struggled to defuse a potentially explosive situation.

The explosive situation was triggered off when a Dixon man walked from the Post Office into the local Police station with a Tyvek envelope he thought contained an explosive device.

The man (who did not want to be interviewed) claimed the package had an Iranian return address he did not recognize. The man who also happens to anonymously run an anti-Iranian government web site immediately became suspicious.

“He didn’t know the package sender and since no one knows he has been living here he was suspicious,” said Police Chief Don Mort.

After a scent was detected by Sergeant Rouleau and Art his K9, CHief Mort evacuated the entire Police department and advised Postal Service staff nearby to do the same.

Local Postmaster John Stalnaker did not hesitate to evacuate his ten person staff and temporarily shut down operations on a day that precedes one of the busiest weekends for the Postal service.

Several access roads to the downtown area were blocked as a Yolo County Bomb squad and FBI agents from Sacramento converged on the scene. Train service through town was also halted in its tracks for about half an hour.

“He seemed matter of fact to me,” said Sergeant Ted Forsythe, the first officer to interview the concerned man.

Forsythe said everyone was cautious after the dog picked up the scent. “It does always mean a false hit. There was the possibility that the package had been handled by several people and had been mixed with several packages that may have had narcotics,” he said.

The explosive situation continued for about two hours until James Gong, a Sergeant with the Davis Police Department, extricated the package from within the Dixon Police Station.Heavily clad in a bomb suit gingerly moved the package to an area near the Post Office where tests for explosives proved negative.

“We were having a few test difficulties with the stuff. Basically we were taking x-rays just to make sure we were taking pictures of what we were getting,” said Gong.

An all-clear was declared by Chief Mort at around noon when it was ascertained that the suspicious package was just a standard-sized Arabic book in a letter-sized envelope.

Back To Putin’s Call for Truce. I think it is for real and We Will Help from the Middle East.




Ben Edokpayi

Journalist, Strategic Communications Enthusiast and Social Engineer.