National Security And ObamaCare Matter in Defense of Naomi Osaka, whose loss is a decisive win! I Enjoy Being Sucked And Having Sex With Exceptional Women For Procreation, But Never By A Water Well, Van Boot or In The Forest, and We Are Not Street!

Ben Edokpayi
13 min readMar 13, 2022


#WhiteHateAndJealousyNowAnEpidemic #RespectOurBlackWomen! #WeMustSeizeThisOpportunityToDemandRespect!

National Security And ObamaCare Matter in Defense of Naomi Osaka, whose loss is a decisive win! I Enjoy Being Sucked And Having Sex With Exceptional Women For Procreation, But Never By A Water Well, Van Boot or In The Forest, and We Are Not Street!

Word count 3113

Naomi Osaka, While Rallying for Social Justice, Wins U.S. Open Title

The Worst Grime Scheme Ever Unravels!

Naomi Osaka sucks At Indian Wells? Really? Certainly an anomaly and What a terrible National Disgrace on the Airwaves heard and seen all the way to Aviara, Delta.Is that Spectator at Indian Wells Aware That A Teen Nanny Elohor sources say was raped by a Deltha relative, as part of a smear scheme to taint an innocent straight father from California and the chips formation was only in Delta State. Did unstable Baby Mama foster that and several lewd scenes that may have included voice overs?.

English Gardner This sims like A National security threat matther because there is No incest in the Edokpayi Essien family and I have never abused nobody and never been abused.

Naomi Osaka brought to tears by heckler at Indian Wells

#UtahlySickCoverts #WiretappededOnInaugurationDayin2017 #AndAtTheStarGazeHotelInOleh #ButByWhom #AndHowWhereTheImagesUsedTransferred #AndMassDuplicatedFromASingleSourceOfMayhem!

Of Houseboys and HouseGirls in the Sun; Criminal Internal Plants Who Cause Chaos

In my travels through Nigeria between 2013 and 2018 , I realized the intricate and complex side of house helps from a careful distance.And now from America I wonder whether some of them were used to stage unbelievable scenes (about under age sex) recorded via camera phones.

In that case they have all been trapped because for two reasons. The only woman under 18 in Nigeria that I have slept with was Pamela Erhabor, a former neighbor. I was 17 and she was 16 and it was our first time. And in America in 1991, Kidada Jones still holds the record at 17 in Richmond, in a group mission #41 from Los Angeles code named Mission Copa Cabana #13

How Baby Bernice, Tichina (Pam in Martin) Arnold and the other Right-handed Pam Set The Record Straight But Why The World Must Still Worry About Fitness Clubs Wiretaps Being A New Source Of The Omicron, Delta Variants

Neighborhood Sanitization and focus on family Values With Clean Humor.

And of course both were for procreation! And on another occasion where nothing happened, it was simply counter terrorism about my Royal blood from 1991 and a show and tell defense about an altered picture from the Nigerian Military School Officer’s Mess, a school were I taught literature to cadets, many of whom are now Senior Officers in The Nigerian Army. Some trained in US Military Institutions as well.

Although research shows the practice of hiring house help is not popular anymore, househelps are a necessity for some households.

And in a household where a nursing mother requires a nanny. In the case of the mother of my daughter had two nannies, one Elohor (16) not so trustworthy, and who had to be sent away in 2017. And the other probably aged about 14.

Sometimes these househelps in Nigeria (Believe it or not they also have mischievious house helpsor house plants in America) are the weakest link for covert intrigues, fertile ground for mischief, elder and child abuse, staging and present myriad opportunities for outside elements that have ulterior motives to cause confusion in a close-knit family,or home, or simply because these so-called house helps are non-relatives (Don’t know them) and are sometimes PROGRAMMED, (Yes some of them are like Robots) for mischief (even from school, I think Elohor was recruited from a school in Oleh where a family member was raped) and schemes that are the antithesis of peace and a democratic society.

Their intrigues provide a great backdrop (inside and outside) for a blockbuster Virginia subplot.

On hindsight a motley crew where I stayed in Lagos Island in 2014 (at Millenium Estate — Manuel the Guard from Togo indeed be careful of those gate scenes (Not Me) and Henry the Driver always had me cautious with their strange nocturnal escapades outside the house.

Corli Van De Merwe who knows what happened in a Van by the Gate.

Only God and the Satellites know what they were up to. The only person I had physical contact with there was the mother of my daughter and before her a visit from my attorney friend Sandra ADA Mbanaso. Sandra sources say they switched our images with that of Henry the Driver and Manuel the Houseboy from Togo. Would that not be criminal?

#NoWhereToHideforUnderworldExtortionArtists #InterceptedLog #EmbellishingthefakeCab119Plot #NothinginCalabar #NothingInIbadanorBenin #NothinginNigeria #IntellectualPropertyMalpracticeMaze #AtVacavilleWoodCrestSAMPaOli #SacramentoNoContactWithAnyone #Political Nonsense #SenselessCapitalism

While researching an article in 2014 for The Nation Newspaper, at the home of a brother-in-law at Millennium Estate in Lagos, I found News24, South Africa’s premier news source for breaking news on national, world, Africa, sport, entertainment, technology & more. A question sent to find out how they gather news in Nigeria prompted a response from Corli Van der Merwe, their Johannesburg/Cape Town Africa Editor, who also oversees their Nigeria operations RUN from their Ikeja Mainland office along with affiliates such as OLX and PriceCheck. She hinted there was a source in Nigeria that visited South Africa. Think of the trail for the Delta/Omicron variants. For authentic, balanced, incisive and objective views about Africa News24 is the most reliable source like I found out from Millennium Estate in Lagos Island in 2014? One of the pictures shows an overview of the Millenium Estate on the Island from the Deloitte Office in Lagos. Of course the only visitor that spent time with me at Millenium Estate is the mother of my daughter (who has visited S/Africa — her only foreign trip she says) and I have no clue what else happened at that location or with any van elsewhere, except the fact that there was a stationary van permanently parked at the gate of the residence.This is an example of a News24 article.

By the way Sandra, a brilliant no-nonsense young lawyer is inspired by Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader and plans to become an expert in Forensic Law and maybe work for the FBI someday.

One of the pictures shows my lawyer, brother and friend Brigadier General Donatus Ikpomwhen, former Chief Legal Advisor and Provost MarsHALL of the Nigerian Army. Just before I left Nigeria in 2018 he told me “Ben I am not aware of these concerns you have for your family — the Edokpayi and Essien family and wished me the best of luck.”

Read for More about the toxic images of house plants In this piece from the Sunday Chronicle, my former editor at Newswatch and one of Nigeria’s finest journalists Ray Ekpu (who was also a delegate to the recently concluded National Confab) provides a comprehensive perspective on.

this subject. A must read!

Of Houseboys and Housemaids

Ordinarily, houseboys and housemaids hereby collectively called househelp would be quietly, some noisily going about the business of giving service or disservice to ‘saah’ and madam undisturbed by yours sincerely if the politicians had not elevated the kitchenly subject to the political platform.

Dr. Tai Solarin, in the UPN think tank, had said that the free education at all levels promised by his party meant in simple arithmetic that there will be fewer and fewer people available to be named houseboy or housemaid. This means that all the ‘saahs’ and madams of this country will have to learn how to change the nappies, mix SMA, roast their beef, tend their flowers and launder their apparels.

Mr. Victor Akan, senatorial candidate of the NPN for Eket District in the Cross River State, had also painted a graphic picture of the state’s economy and summarized by noting that in Ikoyi and Victoria Island where the jet set and the influential live, the bulk of the househelps around are jocularly called ‘Ete’ which indicates that the Cross River State is the largest producer of this diminishing specie of the laboring class.

Because economists have decreed that division of labor is essentially good as it prevents people from stretching themselves thin in the unsuccessful effort to be jack of all trades and master of all and because the society is iniquitously lopsided in its distribution of opportunities and favours , the househelp is a reality (in Nigeria.)

In developed countries where science and technology have reduced human beings to their willing tools and have taken over people’s lives for good and for ill, the house help is on his way to extinction.

In Nigeria, house boyship is not nearly on its way out yet. It probably will come in its own good time when technology makes the needed impact and when we have come near enough to the classless society, in which every man is master unto himself.

Houseboys come principally from the ranks of those who through no fault of theirs, but through societal levity, could not go to school; or having gone to school were mystified by simultaneous equations or adjectival clauses and they dropped out. Or if they did not drop out, having completed their course and armed themselves with the coveted end of school piece of paper they knocked for jobs and the door was not opened to them. And if the door was not opened to them it is because this is a civil service country, and the walls of the civil service, particularly in these new times, are unfortunately inelastic.

The choice between joblessness and houseboyship is grim. It is like picking either the devil or the deep blue sea. But a choice must be made, and if the ego is subdued by the survival instinct, then here we go a “houseboying.”

If you’ve been in the hunt, like one has been for a househelp you may find to your enlightenment that the UPE (Universal Primary Education) is, if that is the appropriate barometer for success, a success. Househelps have been hard to come by.

I’ll tell you a story: There is this humorous housewife in my neighborhood who delivered a child not too long ago and was brought a girl as a househelp after she herself had been exhausted in the search for one. She treated the housegirl like someone does fresh eggs and paid her reasonably well.

Then this night-watchman or (me guard), diligent in his duty or so he thought, complained to Madam that her housegirl, assisted by darkness, had thrown some sticks of yam and packets of rice over the fence presumably to take away. The girl realized that the game was up and that she was in for disgrace. She bolted away and never returned.

Madam was fuming with anger, not over the disappearance of her yams and rice, but over the night watchman’s overzealousness. “Why did you not ignore what you saw?”. Now the girl has gone away. Will yams and rice take care of my baby when I leave for work?”

Madam would have preferred the girl to help herself to foodstuff if only she would stay on. I choked with laughter.

Houseboys have their headaches as anyone who has had contact with them can testify. If you are unlucky he is light-fingered; if he is not light-fingered he becomes a paid hatchet man who assiduously reduces your prized glasses and chinaware (popularly name: breakable plates) to smithereens every now and again.

If he has relations in town, he is either at the relations place half of the time you are away, or he invites the relations to your house so they can help themselves to foods and drinks you bought with “government money.” If you want to make a cook of him or her, first inform the Fire Service Department to keep their vehicle oiled, or give the court an advance notice that a coroner’s inquest is on the way. If your cooker is not put out of order, the gas that fuels it is left open when not in use, and it’s suffocating odor envelopes the compound.

Through either professional carelessness or a sense of outrage at the meniality of his labor, the soup must have too much salt or a surfeit of pepper, the cooked meat must be dripping with blood or is tastelessly overcooked.

If one shows reluctance in his acceptance of a housegirl (as opposed to a houseboy) it must not be misconstrued that he intends to give out himself as a male chauvinist. Far from it.

It is also not to be taken that being afraid that one could yield to the temptation, to which some men, high and low, have fallen over the ages of hobnobbing with the maid while the madam is away, it was better to avoid the potential temptress.

It is rather than being away to work or business for most of the day, anything can happen. Wolves being walking beasts do not find too much convenience or even need, for excessive discrimination as to prey. And so when a housewife discovered recently that her house girl was not the same again, that she was often sick in the morning, she suspected that a wolf had got a prey.

What worried her most was, however, whether ‘oga’ had his pump in the matter. Luckily or unluckily his name did not come in for the mention. Now madam has sent the maid packing. But she has given a ground rule: Any housemaid of hers must submit herself every 28 days or so for physical examination. That is to assure herself (madam) that there is crimson around, so she does not find herself going purple in the face with embarrassment. I yield to none in my respect for her sixth sense.

I guess I ought to establish one of these days, what I call HRC (Househelp Recruitment Center) to which all persons in need of househelp can apply. The fee would be reasonable but there would have to be a written agreement that all househelps taken away must not be returned to HRC.

Sunday Chronicle, June 15, (1979)

Ray Ekpu along with the late Dele Giwa, Dan Agbese and Yakubu Mohammed (Soji Akinrinade later became an editor) founded Newswatch Magazine in 1985. A 1989 description of the magazine said it “changed the format of print journalism in Nigeria [and] introduced bold, investigative formats to news reporting in Nigeria”. Ray Ekpu, my editor at Newswatch (who was bugged in a phone conversation with me in 2015) is seen with other Newswatch Editors Soji AKINrinAde, Dan Agbese and Yakubu Mohammed.

#LegalResearchTakesTime #RuleOfLaw #TheLegalLead #HateCrimeInVacaville #OnlyJesusForMe

Sandra Day O’Connor reflects on life before, during and after the Supreme Court; and Straight Talk With Femi Falana

A Whole Lot of People Will Be In Legal Trouble Beacuse Of One of Nigeria’s bright young lawyers who has a specialization in forensic law ( And that includes detection of hazardous substances in sex toys.)

We have proven that no one has immunity from prosecution unless the President wants to rewrite the Constitution. Sandra, a good and steadfast friend, is a brilliant young lawyer who is inspired by the Supreme Court trailblazer Sandra Day O’Connor: And of course Femi Falana, my lawyer, is Africa’s Number 1 Civil Rights Activist. And yes I have been friends with Falana since 1986 and we have been talking straight since the murder of Dele Giwa, including a 2014 meeting at his Ikeja Office where he was briefed. He is Africa’s most influential and connected lawyer outside the continent.

Falana was also the lawyer for Fela.

Attorney Sandra ADA Mbanaso has been my friend since 2013 and a silent partner in the promotion of the rule of the law in Nigeria and here. And she was the first to call from home when my son was murdered on December 24. And of course there has been unbelievable spin and insinuations since then with some really crazy surrogates, who we have now proved have NO IMMUNITY. I have evidence to prove this is a red herring scheme to cover up serial hate crime in Solano County.

Our question to these scofflaws is if you are insinuating something or accusing me of something, the fact is I am clean, unblemished, unscathed and I am not gay. And of course I have never had illegal sexual intercourse .

The burden of proof is on the White House and a bunch of misled political surrogates of Barack Obama, Our first Constitutional Law Professor President, who may be the worst lawyer to be a President.

Brother Barry and President Biden Who, What, Where, Why, and How?

We Must Also Take The Time To Honor Traci Braxton

Family Values Celebrated In Honor Of Traci Braxton and Much Ado About Ben And Sade Adu So Close On A Backstage Couch

During the 2020 Census I wonder why the US Census Bureau from their Concord Office To Take The Count. Of course I emphasized my Nigerian Ancestry to Errin the Census Worker. Why is Concord important in this narrative? In 2000 soon after the family returned from a vacation in London , my ex wife attended a Sade Adu concert. Of course me and Sade go way back to the onset of her career in the 80’s when we profiled her in Newswatch which I worked for before I emigrated to America. Of course she was excited to see me. We walked back stage and for almost an hour I interviewed in a laid back atmosphere with a jealous ex somewhere outside the curtains. How our friendly reunion in Concord became stuff of dangerous fiction and a toxic entry in a diary which indirectly resulted in the bankruptcy filing of Archer Norris where I worked is a puzzle. Well all is well that ends well and this revelation we hope lifts the gloom with the Braxton family, especially Toni Braxton who visited Sade backstage a few years after that misinterpretation of us so close on the Couch backstage at the Concord Pavilion.

We think we inspired this hit Because Nothing Can Come Between Us.



Ben Edokpayi

Journalist, Strategic Communications Enthusiast and Social Engineer.