The Face of Clean Enterprise Spotlights A Bombardier Infrastructure and Medical Privacy and Public Safety Hurdles for Joe Biden

Ben Edokpayi
6 min readDec 22, 2022


Healthy Journalist Ben Edokpayi at the Fitness Club in Fairfield. Of course I do not drink and never smoked and hope to curtail my time on Social Media in the New Year and focus on my woman. What is your New Year’s Wish?

The Face of Business A Bombardier Infrastructure and Medical Privacy and Public Safety Hurdles for Joe Biden with International Consequences


Bombardier CEO voices concerns over awarding Canada’s defense contract to Boeing after key revelation! my sister was on their team of accountants in their Switzerland Headquarters

#SpecialFamily! #Global #TheVoiceOfBusiness

Bombardier Airways, Stella, their former Auditor in Switzerland, Weighs In On A Val Double in the Niger Delta Who Has Been Referred for medical Help

Stella Ekogbolu,

“History being made. Bombardier c-series is in the air!!!

Finally made it. Congratulations to everyone @ Bombardier Aerospace, thanks Sister for that and great memories. Uncle Essien and my son would be overjoyed. He remembers the special time in Surulere with the family in 2005

“Goodnight, my dearest Uncle Essien…..a rare breed!

In my final year of secondary school, I lost my father. My Uncle as the new head of our extended family, in line with our culture assumed the role of a father figure in my life.

The difference however was that Uncle didn’t raise me out of a moral obligation but out of love. He adopted me as his daughter and nicknamed me “Mama Ste”.

I recall Uncle’s home on 31 and later 25 Adisa Bashua street, Surulere was a haven for his nieces and nephews. He spared no cost in making sure we were comfortable. I have so many pleasant memories of bonding with my cousins in the ‘girls room’.

Being the oldest ‘girl’, I learnt quickly to take on a leadership role and I am still applying the lessons I learnt back then.

Uncle made sure I got admission into Unical.

He made sure I got posted to do my NYSC in Lagos because that was what I wanted.

When I was miserable in the job I got, He created a role of Internal auditor specially for me in his company!

I am a chartered accountant today because when I wanted to give up on ICAN, Uncle wouldn’t let me. He convinced me to give it one more try and paid for my tuition and exams. I went on to pass that exam and the rest is history.

He was a disciplinarian. But beneath that was a genuine love for his family.

People like Uncle Essien are rare to find. A man with a heart of gold. An uncle like no other. A devoted father to us all.

In my moments of grief, I take solace in the fact that Uncle had given his life to Jesus Christ.

I am confident that Uncle has finished his race and has gone to receive his reward.

That’s why I can boldly say goodnight dear Uncle, see you on the other side!

Stella Ekogbolu, her new passion as a coach and leader for young professionals in Zurich Switzerland, my sister was a Specialist and Team Lead, Cash Management at Bombardier, Zurich, Switzerland. We all lived together with my late Uncle at 31 Adisa Bashua, Surulere, where Valerie and her family were neighbors.

This Identity Crisis Stems from Uncle Essien’s time in Vacaville for prostate cancer treatment in 2007. An Unprecedented International Crisis about culture, tradition and clean foundation of a good family with seismic effects all the way to South America. ReUnite. Worthy Is The Lamb:

#TheIntellectualPropertyRedHerringMaze #AllEyesOnObama #HosInTheBushWithImportedProps #AndManipulatedandHackedData #TheNegativeConsequencesofBeingOverwatched #NothingProvenSince1989WhenIArrivedTheUS

This Communication with the US Men’s National Team Was Sent Just Before the Congressional Black Caucus Invited a Nigerian Team Including former Akwa Ibom State Governor Godswill Akpabio and my Uncle Honorable Ndueso Essien who is the Eket Community Liaison with Exxon Mobil. Was the Black Caucus Invitation to an Akwa Ibom Delegation Sincere a Mea Culpa by the Obama administration to fix an illegal wiretap of our late Uncle who was here in 2007 for Medical Treatment? The pictures show Honorable Governor Udom Emmanuel and his predecessor as well as Ndueso Essien, my cousin (named after our Uncle) in discussion with Governor Emmanuel Udom.

Hello Michael Kammarman, My name is Ben Edokpayi, a former Public Information Officer with the state of California now back in Nigeria. I am involved with a committee that has been mandated by the Akwa Ibom State governor Godswill Akpabio to organize a grand opening ceremony for the ultra modern stadium in Uyo capital of Akwa Ibom State. We are in the process of scouting for a national team to face Nigeria’s national team as part of the grand opening and I thought it would be a great promotion for bilateral relations if both countries can meet, and was wondering if the United States Soccer Federation would be interested in exploring this idea further. No date has been fixed yet, but we are looking at the second half of November this year, before the political campaigns in Nigeria take all the spotlight. I have copied Mr. Paul Bassey who is the chairman of the committee in this email, and for your information Uyo is relatively one of the safest areas of Nigeria. Look forward to hearing from you. Official website for the Akwa Ibom State Government: Sincerelie, Ben Edokpayi

My Uncle, the Patriarch of the Essien family, was a Nigerian National Assembly representative from Akwa Ibom state from 1999 to 2007, and was appointed Federal Minister of Lands, Housing & Urban Development on 6 April 2010, when acting president Goodluck Jonathan announced his new cabinet.

During his first term, Essien chaired the South South Parliamentary Caucus, and was a member of committees on internal affairs and women’s affairs. In 2003, he was appointed chairman of the House Committee on Anti-Corruption, National Ethics and Values. He was also appointed chairman of the Nigerian Chapter of the African Parliamentarians Network against Corruption, and was later elected regional director in charge of West Africa. After leaving office in 2007, he was a member of the National Technical Assessment Committee on the Niger Delta region.

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#RecklessLeadershipAndAbuseOfPower #ToTheDetrimentOfAllBlackPeople! #HeavenKnows

Governor Godwin Obaseki Emphasizes Why Security Is All Nation’s Top Priority. He assured me in his first year in Office via text Communication That There Is No Concern. Infact I have been told that he has reconstructed the road to my house (which links the Carter Center) and deployed more Police Patrol. Obviously I am not Udo, who seems to have been skycammed at his garage and taking a bath in a secluded part of the compound. BodyParts Unknown Explained. I was hinted while I interned at the Carter Center of Electronically Stapled Body parts from different sources. X-Rayed Mysteries. The mixup with a distant cousin (whose girlfriend is named Roseline) who is a mechanic is what May have advised Jimmy Carter to skip Joe Biden’s WH ceremony in 2021.

1990 Heaven Knows. Forensic Racism!

About The Disney Family #TwoMadExes

Nothing Better Than Body Heat On A Cold Winter Night. Some Lines Must Not Be Crossed. And yes Governor Okowa I slept at the home of our exceptional woman from Asaba, Delta State, who is the former Executive Assistant (EA) for Alex Wallau, the former President of Disney ABC TV.

A United Nations Scheme:

#ACIAmaze #TheMostInterestingBlackManInTheWorld!

Beyoncé Publicist Yvette Noel-Schure Honored By Berklee College of Music And Believe It Or Not This Maze Started When Valerie Okonweze Wrote A Letter To Me in 1990 after arrival in the US from the University of Benin asking for my opinion on a Masters Program At Berklee College of Music. Of course Val ( seen with daughter Samantha) is clean! I think my Ex Debra saw that letter after we started dating in 1991 and became jealous. Fact is I knew Valerie, who grew up in the same compound with me in Lagos with me way before I met Debra.) Valerie is the former EA for the Disney ABC TV President Alex Wallau



Ben Edokpayi

Journalist, Strategic Communications Enthusiast and Social Engineer.