Tupac Billboard Chart Toppers Sources Say Used As A Soundtrack in a B-Movie Shot In Lagos, Nigeria Exposes Ransomware Gangsters in There and America In A Complex Intellectual Property Scam and Wrongful Death Case

Ben Edokpayi
7 min readOct 17, 2022


Tupac Billboard Chart Toppers Sources Say Used As A Soundtrack in a B-Movie Shot In Lagos, Nigeria Exposes Ransomware Gangsters in Nigeria and America In A Complex Intellectual Property Scam and Wrongful Death Case

By Ben Edokpayi ©

Excerpts from a January 14, 2015 Op-Ed Piece in Tell, Nigeria’s Number One News Journal titled “The Young And The Restless” — The Truth Is Your Freedom, Baby Mama

“You read all the time about grandeur programs aimed at improving the lot of Nigeria’s Youth but you wonder about the success of all these empowerment programs after you encounter the general malaise and drift in the streets among Nigeria’s millennials who obviously form the highest demographic group among unemployed. Two encounters in one week this month provides a telling picture of this sad situation. The first occurred as I and my sister (Louisiana) got ready for a journey originating from Calabar ( The Cross River State Capital).

The sagging pants and garb of a young trader setting up shop for the day’s trade was an unusual sight in the busiest area of the Canaan town Metropolis — the Post Office.

I was so shocked at how brazen this man was dressed for his day at the office that I summoned the courage to approach him and ask why he was so dressed, reminding him this style of dress code was meant to demean African American Prison convicts. And I simply could not believe his response when he retorted that he chose to dress that way because he had been in Prison. Talk about reverse culture shock on the streets of Calabar, Cross River State.” What I did not tell him was that my blood “Brother” Tupac was being wrongly sampled abroad including misuse of a $200 Gift Card. Click here for the full Op-Ed


Read for How That Missing Gift Card Has Become A Global Thorn

#IntellectualPropertyMalpracticeRedHerring #419 In 2018 just before Kimberley Porter’s death Baby Mama cryptically said in a text exchange “Your truth is your only freedom, you have to fight for it” So Babe What Really Happened? Fight for what? Was That Part of a Script for a Movie — a Porn Movie With a Threesome in White Wigs and Mascara Faces Maybe Made in a Van on Lagos Island where a building collapsed last year? https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20211101-workers-trapped-after-high-rise-under-construction-collapses-in-nigeria

Target technology exec Tom Kadlec dies unexpectedly: ( I have been a victim of a Target gift card scam before so please ask God what happened to a $200 iTunes gift card, scanned and sent through WhatsApp to a popular Nollywood Thespian in March 2020, right around the time I think a B-Movie was made. I was initially hesitant and after several requests, with the excuse that she needed a gift card from here to buy iTunes in Lagos, I sent the gift card to her. She said she never received the gift card which I shopped for at a downtown Rite Aid store (near the Capitol) and Walmart on Florin Road. On hindsight could the gift card with my name on it have been a source to frame me and Kimberley Porter and Kidada Jones, Kelly Preston. Talk About Bad Karma! https://twitter.com/BenjaminEdokpa1/status/1581298870696308736?s=20&t=DFsJJPjAYutN94pQvYv2mQ

THis indeed changes everything. https://twitter.com/BenjaminEdokpa1/status/1580471351462178817?s=20&t=DFsJJPjAYutN94pQvYv2mQ

On the advice of the mother of my daughter I stopped talking to the lady that I bought the card for in 2019. They say they don’t know each other. And who says it is important to retrace my steps for us to be free. “Your truth is your only freedom, you have to fight for it” I requested an investigation from the card issuer in Florida, but never got a response. Is The Sunshine State Cursed or What? https://twitter.com/BenjaminEdokpa1/status/1576959015862476801?s=20&t=_qiRbjxLxsfzuzxS6pLFJQ

And for the record although we have conversed via phone and WhatsApp have never met this Thespian. The only link is she once acted with my brother. And I hope the mother of my daughter is wise enough not to get entangled in such a scheme with a gift card. But who knows maybe they both lied and actually met in Lagos in 2018? Kidada in a conversation after Kimberley’s death wanted me to send her Itunes gift card with Tupac Amaru Shakur music. So could we have been cloned with wigs, skin color changes and Tupac music in Naija and was there a claim that I died? And was there a taping with a teenager as a cover scheme for my late son? America is this the smoking gun?) https://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/news/2018/10/26/target-technology-exec-tom-kadlec-dies.html

Do they have a Mud.Squad in Nigeria with colored faces and wigs? Peggy Lipton is concerned that her daughter Kidada Jones and I are victims of an acting scam in Nigeria complete with Music from a gift card that was bought in.Walmart in Elk Grove last March and scanned and emailed.to a popular Nigerian Thespian in.Lagos. She claims She Never received it. But did some people scramble to destroy tapes after the sudden death of Kimberley Porter and my son last year? And would that still not be a Federal crime for staging something that never happened, especially if they received foreign money. And what would be the justification for such a payment?

Staring Through My Rear From a Hacked Gastrointestinal Kaiser Colon Cancer Prevention Procedure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxRIuKVh5u4

Warning from God to Leadership!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymBSBuXjbaE

Unbelievable, but Tupac Shakur would naturally be concerned about all This drama frame about US because he has a stake in This issue. In fact I owe Kidada an iTunes gift card. Problem is we have to figure out What happened to the one I sent a Nigeria actress in 2018. Kidada is Really angry about that! I will make it up to her. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/suge-knights-son-clarifies-claims-that-tupac-shakur-is-alive-and-well-and-living-in-malaysia-005125476.html



Amid claim of coming ‘Asian millennium,’ Pope Francis tells bishops to discern Holy Spirit — With Confirmation from Makaveli


Makaveli, Tupac Reincarnated At The Fairfield Library Wednesday. How did that happen? A Brother from Oakland Terrhell Jenkins was using the printer ahead of me. And I was in line behind him for a print job about a Vacaville-Dixon Greenbelt Alliance meeting. I printed 8 copies and somehow because Terrell had just printed some copies my copies was charged to Tupac’s twin. Told him I and Tupac are blood brothers. Of course as black brothers we settled the confusion amicably. I gave Terrhell One dollar and he gave me one dime and said the other dime was for charity. With a wink. And Then at about 11:12 Am There was a rare blackout at the Library, leaving everybody astounded.. So there you have it. Only one ho in Nigeria in this confusing tar scheme. Quite an irony that this Tupac reincarnation happened on the day of Tyrun Davis demise, confirmation that something terrible happened in Davis in 2013? https://www.packers.com/news/former-packers-tight-end-tyrone-davis-dead-at-50



Divine Leads from God. A Stray Family Pet That Was Mortally Wounded in the Browns Valley Area in 2013, a deep gash on it’s side, and deposited at a Local Vet. Clandestinely transported across county lines for a satanic ritual at a remote shack lab in Yolo that involved petrified and unsconcious pet being probed by Peppers Balls through apparel and coin or ring for Satanism. Sources say it all started with a young-restless and high on marijuana gang last seen in August, 2013 at the Bowling Alley on Browns Valley Road. https://www.davisenterprise.com/news/local/yolo-sheriffs-deputy-critically-hurt-in-atv-rollover/


The Legal Waterloo for False Claimants is as Simple As Kidada Jones and Monarch Butterflies! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm_2wyL6-DI

Monarch Butterflies Prove Crucial To The Artemis Launch, Copyright Laws and AB822

South China Morning News: Naomi Osaka Saving Butterfly Wins World Sports Photography Awards, With A PhotoShop and Migration Effect All The Way To Norcal and thumbs up for the Artemis Relaunch



This is Surreal. Experts say that after the Glass fires some Monarch Butterflies Migrated from Napa through Solano about the time Naomi Osaka won her first US Open title at Flushing Meadows. Napa Valley Area vintners were buffered by that fire which impacted Area businesses such as the Ardagh bottlers, a Fairfield based company that was fined for violations by DTSC.






A Disturbed NASA and WH Must Now Admit, the WTA and ATP Tour Have Become Good Stewards and Shield for A Return To A Decent World! Picture Who Made A Surprise Appearance in Fairfield? That Monarch Butterfly That Landed On Naomi Osaka’s Mouth and Racquet at the Rod Laver Tennis Court, Australia after hops in NY and SF, scene of a surreal moonshot.

SF photographer captures rarely seen fogbow phenomenon



Governor Gavin Newsom Certainly a Step in the Right Direction: https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2021/10/09/california-ethnic-studies/


Monarch Butterfly Fairfield Photo by Ben Edokpayi © https://lawadvocategroup.com/copyright-law-california/






Ben Edokpayi

Journalist, Strategic Communications Enthusiast and Social Engineer.