Ben Edokpayi
9 min readMay 5, 2022

Vladimir Putin, Ben and VOA’s Moscow Correspondent Sonja Pace’ work on Nature’s Own Neutron Bomb in Cameroon; The Reasons for That Red Line Warning! America’s Intel Blunders Are Terrible!

Vladimir Putin, Ben and VOA’s Moscow Correspondent Sonja Pace’ work on Nature’s Own Neutron Bomb in Cameroon; The Reasons for That Red Line Warning! America’s Intel Blunders Are Terrible!

Putin Warns of a Russian ‘Red Line’ the West Will Regret Crossing

A Message to the Biden Team on Ukraine: Talk Less, Seek Peace At All Costs (Putin Is Intent On Carnage!)

Exclusive! As the World Watches, Sources Say Croatia and Nigeria In A Meeting With the UN Secretary General In Abuja Calls For A Resuscitation of the Yugoslavia War Crimes Tribunal, Read Why!

Disinformation About Sonja Pace My Voice of America Friend and Co-Worker (We Were On Assignments Together, and got lost in the Cameroonian Forest on our way to report on the Lake Nyos disaster in 1987 That Killed Nearly 2000 People) She Was Also The Moscow Correspondent for Voice of America, Is One of Several Red Lines That Putin Warned About.

Putin Warns of a Russian ‘Red Line’ the West Will Regret Crossing

Lake Nyos Recalled! How Fortuitous To Find A Healthy Survivor Of Africa’s Worst Disaster At Fairfield Walmart.

As I exited the Fairfield Walmart I saw a dark-skinned brother, who unmistakably is African.

And you know there is that special instinct between people from the Motherland.

So I walked up to him and asked Patrice, who is here with his family, “You from Ghana?”

He replied “Cameroon”

And of course that started a conversation, simply because in 1986, my second year as a journalist, I reported on one of the worst natural disasters in Africa at Lake Nyos in Cameroon. This was the last assignment from my editor Dele Giwa before his assassination.

The Lake Nyos tragedy which killed nearly 2000 locals attracted journalists from all over the world, who operated from a hotel based in Bamenda.

Because the site of the disaster was so remote the only way to get there was by chopper.

However some of us, who were more adventurous, hired a land rover that took us as close to the disaster scene, and then we had to trek for about 4 miles to reach the crater of the lake.

On that team were me and my Newswatch cameraman Conrad Akwu, my friend Sonja Pace from Voice of America, a former Moscow Correspondent, and the former West Africa Correspondent and Assistant Managing Editor of the Los Angeles Time Scott Kraft, as well as a team from the French Canal TV.

Imagine the excitement when the Walmart Associate Patrice told me he was born just before the Lake Nyos disaster in Douala, Cameroon.

That’s when I told him this is a special moment to see somebody so healthy from that area. The victims of the disaster died from a mysterious leak of Carbon Monoxide from fissures from the bottom of the lake that wafted through a village where most people were asleep. So people basically died in their sleep.

Because of Intellectual Property, after I arrived in the USA, One of their spiel through the ex wife was a spin about “Chemical Imbalance.”

I guess as a way to tar us all with the same brush as unintelligent.

For goodness sake, there was Sonja Pace and Scott Kraft with me. What Chemical Imbalance?

I do not smoke, rarely drink, never abused no banned substance, never abused anybody and I have passed all my Medicals and blood tests since 1991 with absolutely no problem, and I am straight. So why this perpetual spin?

Oh and what else did we talk about at WalMart? Of course the Lions, which is the nickname of the Cameroonian National Team and my 1989 trip to Yaoundé to cover the WCQ Qualified between the Super Eagles and The Cameroonian Lions .

And of course my friends on the team like Samuel Etoo Fils, Cyrille Makanaky and Patrick Mboma and other’s as well as the Star forward from Senegal Papa Bouba Diop who passed away on Wednesday. For those with Amnesia Bouba Diop was the hero of the Senegalese national Team in the Korea World Cup, with a superb goal that stunned goalie Fabian Barthez and the French, and his remarkable feat was captured in this paragraph by Jonathan Wilson, “ Goals, it turns out, are overrated, but it may be that the most memorable in the World Cup in the 21st century was the first: Papa Bouba Diop’s winner for Senegal against France in the opening game of the 2002 finals.” In 2016 I was also blessed to mention Bouba Diop in my preview of the 2006 World Cup In The Vacaville Reporter. Remember the Paris lies? It is all mined data That Started With an Angry Dubya! We ( I and my ex and son) actually witnessed that goal at the Abuja Airport in 2002 as we waited to be picked up by a friend Professor Dan Aighewi after we arrived in Nigeria from the United Kingdom. That is how good my memory is.

Could be all about Jealous analysts and a spin on the name Papa Bouba (The name of an African apparel) Diop.

So what is wrong with a Father running bath water at the Pentagon Hotel in Yaba with no shirt on and his son playfully rubbing his back with soap suds from a picture that was taken by Mom?

The idea was I guess to strip all Africans naked with the Bouba metaphor!

Even my brother in law and Nigeria’s top Pediatrician in 2013 Professor Andrew Asindi and my sister Grace Asindi where shocked when I showed them that 1995 picture in 2014 and told them an American President had used the most adorable moment between a Dad and Son for toxic propaganda. As well as a picture innocently playing with his toys on a Paris Hilton floor.

A lesson for Xenophobes. Got me a new Swiss Tech Parka at Walmart.

And Special Thanks Is In Order for The Walton Family For Having Such A Brilliant Man from Cameroon On Your Staff to help Deconstruct Falsehood about Motherland, where civilization started, and set the record straight.

I am sure my big brother Quincy Jones will be thrilled, because that’s where his ancestral roots are.

Read More! Excerpts from my report of the Lake Nyos disaster; one of Africa’s worst disaster which killed almost 2,000 people in the Bamenda region of Cameroon. I covered the disaster with Sonja Pace, retired manager VOA Central Region, Scott Kraft, deputy managing editor of the Los Angeles Times, and a French TV 5 Crew. There were also journalists from all over the world. And at no time was I exposed to danger.

Original Title In Newswatch “Nature’s Own Neutron Bomb”

Bye Ben Edokpayi © A strong chilly wind normally swept through Sobum, a small sleepy town in the Menchum division of the north-west province of Cameroon.

The inhabitants hardly paid any attention to it.

But the wind that blew across the land on August 21 has drawn world attention.

It was a wind of death. And it left more than 1,500 dead in its wake at Sobum, Chah, Koshing and Nyos.

Many others were seriously injured and receiving treatments in hospitals. One of the lucky survivors from the wind of death, which swept through the area from Lake Nyos was Esther Ngong, who found herself lying outside her house.

All those lying outside with her were members of her family.

Her one year old sister Queenibeth Ngong, was inside sleeping.

She was untouched by the gas.

The previous day, market day, in Sobum, the chief of Sobum, Nsah Stephen Ngong II, 45 and some friends were there and engaged in a drinking session that lasted from 4.00 pm till night fall.

The session was made the merrier by the presence of the local commissioner of police, who had arrived town four days earlier with his wife and four children.

Satiated by the abundant flow of the local brew, the small group of friends broke up at about 9 p.m. and headed home.

Nsah Ngong home to the warmth of his house and family. At about 10 p.m. when he had barely been in bed, Nsah heard the powerful gust of air coming into the house.

The air had a foul smell, choking Nsah’s house.

“All of a sudden, I could not even breathe,” he said. He staggered out of bed to catch some fresh air. It was even worse. The smell and heat overpowered him. He tried to get up, but he could only totter a few steps before falling under a tree in his compound. Then all was blank. ( How the NSACIA mine data for propaganda!)

Oh dear this is unlike VOA. I hope the video and audio about other colors was an ignorant error.

Flip the script and picture; I and a VOA correspondent in an African jungle which became the first chapter for this decades long smear scheme.

Read more. The Sonja Pace Lake Nyos Puzzle. She Did Not Eat Nuts and banana In An African Hut. The Spin Was From The Ex In California.

CIA/NSA End This Covert Nonsense! None Of This Makes Sense And Is Making America Stupid Before The World.

So do they have a Sonja Pace double in Solano in an all Caucasian skin superiority stage?

They know where to start their investigation of Sonja Pace framework by some real dumb white people.

Lake Nyos! Just like they lied about us and Koko, another environmental spin; and another Senseless American Covert Scheme. Nigeria Time To End This Covert Nonsense! (Voice of America; To Report Accurately, It Helps To Be There!)

#AStagerr #TheRecurringdecimalremains1997and1998 #IntellectualPropertyMalpracticeMaze #AnEPAScandal!

By Ben Edokpayi © #GeneralTheyAreSowingSeedsofGenocideInTheSubRegionWithFakeNews#FromNewswatchArchives

In 2016 wilderness survival training was offered to some employees at my former job at the Department of Toxic Substances Control just before my birthday in November. I did not sign for the training because I survived the ultimate wilderness challenge in Cameroon in 1986.

On our return from investigating what was then one of the worst natural disasters in the world I and several journalists got lost in the wilderness of Cameroun.

More than 2000 natives died in the Lake Nyos tragedy. In that team of investigative journalists were a TV5 crew from French TV, Newswatch cameraman Conrad Akwu, Sonja Pace, former Managing Editor of Voice of America (who I got to know through Barry Maughan) and Scott Kraft, the deputy managing editor of Los Angeles Times.

The trek to the remote location of the disaster was so challenging amid a tropical rainstorm that Pace gave up when we found refuge in an abandoned hut.

She told us “I am not going further. This kind of assignment was not in my job description. Sonja Pace broadcast her VOA report from our Bamenda, Cameroon hotel based on accounts from my on the spot investigation. ”

The return from the Lake was even more daunting as the team got separated. Very scary, and somehow we all survived unscathed.

After almost three decades I called Kraft in 2016 at the LA Ties office. “Delightful to hear from you! Wow, that goes back a ways. I do remember you and that Lake Nyos disaster…what a strange story,” he told me. Well, the fact of the matter is that despite the trauma of seeing so many dead people we all survived the natural disaster unscathed.

I am happy to see the Cameroonians correct some of the misconceptions from that tragedy with a special invitation for their 46th National Day Celebration to the Nigerian Army! “On behalf of the Officers and Men of the Armed Forces of Nigeria I want to once again congratulate the Government and people of Cameroon on their 46th National Day Celebration which held on 20 May 18. Thank you for making Nigeria your special guest for this year’s celebrations.” (Congratulations General. I recall my visit to Bamenda, Cameroon for the Lake Nyos incident.

Apart from our treacherous trek through the tropical rain forest with Newswatch photographer Conrad Akwu, Sonja Pace of Voice of America, Scott Kraft of Los Angeles Times and a French TV crew nothing happened. Because of heavy rain Sonja Pace took refuge in a hut, and later filed her VOA report from my investigation.

I and Maria The Best Solution

Ben Edokpayi

Journalist, Strategic Communications Enthusiast and Social Engineer.