How To Start A Travel Photography Business

Benjamin Quinton
2 min readOct 16, 2023

Are you a creative person dreaming of a life on the road?

Travel photography can be such an exciting and rewarding career path, though it is not for the faint of heart. You get to travel the world, earning money at the same time. But how do you actually do it?

Today, I’m going to share my top three tips for starting your own travel photography business.

3 Tips To Be A Professional Travel Photographer

1. Decide on your goals and niche

Within travel photography, there are a lot of roads you can go down (literally). You should think about how you want to work, which could either be freelance or for a company. There are a lot of organizations that need travel photos, such as:

  • Travel magazines like National Geographic
  • Tourism boards for states or counties
  • Travel blogs

Think about what kinds of travel you want to do as well. Are you more of a nature person or a city person? Do you want to travel the world all the time or work within one general place? Thinking about your goals and what areas you want to specialize in will set you up for a great travel photography career.

2.Practice and build your portfolio

Of course, if you want to be a photographer, you need to show that you know your stuff. If you aren’t already an experienced photographer, consider taking a photography course. You’ll need to learn how to take a range of different pictures, from landscape photography, portraits, architecture, food, etc.

Get some great shots under your belt. Put it all together in a portfolio that you can present to clients and employers.

3.Share your work

In today’s world, it isn’t enough to just be a good photographer. You need to get your work seen by the right people. The internet makes that easier than ever, so use it to your advantage. To do this, you can:

  • Create your own personal website to showcase your work
  • Start a travel blog on your website and write blog posts featuring your pictures
  • Share your work on social media

It doesn’t even matter if you don’t have the money to start traveling yet. Just start in your own local area!



Benjamin Quinton

J. Ben Quinton is a Freelance Artist, Photographer, and art/photography Instructor with a passion for nature and the outdoors.