Signs You Should Be An Art Teacher

Benjamin Quinton
2 min readSep 21, 2023

Are you a creative person on the hunt for a fulfilling career? Becoming an art teacher is an excellent way to combine your passion for art with an opportunity to inspire others. Here are five signs that you are meant to be an art teacher.

5 Signs You’d Make A Great Art Teacher

1.You are patient

Teaching definitely comes with its fair share of challenges, no matter what age group you’re teaching. Sometimes, it’s guiding a student through their twentieth attempt at capturing the essence of a sunset or helping them find the right brush stroke technique. Sometimes it’s about getting them motivated in the first place or making sure they don’t make a huge mess. If you find joy in nurturing someone’s potential over time, no matter how long it takes, this role might be for you.

2. You have a passion for art

A genuine love for all things art-related is a prerequisite. No matter what styles or eras of art you’re interested in, your enthusiasm will be the fuel that drives your teaching. Your passion will not only help you in conveying the technical aspects but also in instilling an appreciation for the beauty and depth of art.

3. You inspire others

An art teacher does more than just teach; they inspire. If you have the knack for pushing people to think outside the box, explore their boundaries, and imagine possibilities beyond the canvas, you’re on the right track. Your words and guidance are the foundation on which your students build their creative futures.

4. You Love Actually Teaching

It isn’t enough to just be a good artist. The ability to teach is a whole other ball game. It’s essential to understand and communicate complex concepts in ways that resonate with each unique student. The joy of witnessing an ‘aha!’ moment in a student because of something you’ve taught? Priceless.

5. You’re a People Person

Teaching is all about connections. To truly make an impact, you should enjoy interacting with students, understanding their perspectives, and being receptive to their needs. If you’re someone who thrives in social settings and loves striking up conversations, this job could be the one for you.



Benjamin Quinton

J. Ben Quinton is a Freelance Artist, Photographer, and art/photography Instructor with a passion for nature and the outdoors.