I Have Zero Interest In Your Shidduch Resume, I Want To See THIS Instead

Ben Rohr
2 min readOct 18, 2015


I don't know the history of the resume or how it got to its current socially acceptable version but I would comfortably guess it was not conceived of by one person. Somehow as a community we have decided that a human being is the sum total of the schools they attended +their jobs+their shul affiliation+ their parents jobs,+ the number of siblings they have and their current social role. The funny thing is that nothing in that equation is about who you are as a unique, individual human being.

Instead I would be deeply fascinated to learn the following 4 things.

1. What Are Your Unique Values?

Whats drives/inspires you? Which ideas/aspirations/values have you been influenced by? What ideas/values are you attempting to embody in your life?

2. What Goals are you working on?

What are you deeply passionate about? How are you pursuing that? What are you working hard on in spite of your fear of failure?

3.What’s your personality like?

What makes you…well you?

Are you more extroverted or introverted?

Are you open to new things and experiences or prefer routine?

Do you tend to go with the flow of what others are doing or prefer to do things your way?

Do you tend to worry about things or do you tend to remain calm in most situations?

Do you prefer to have your life organized in all aspects or are you comfortable with uncertainty and messiness in general?

4.How did you get to where you are?

Whats your story? Where are you from beyond your geographic origins? How did you become who you are? What twists and turns have you gone through? What key events have you experienced that played a key role in making you you?

That’s it.

I know many of us in our community feel that certain things are impossible to change specifically in the area of Shidduchim but I believe in the combined power of every individual.

I have created a project to enable thousands of Jewish Orthodox singles to meet each other at Shabbos meals throughout the country. Learn More at www.justten.org

You can influence change simply by embodying the change you wish to see. Share this post, far and wide, talk about it. And if you’re really brave write a new resume using the suggestions above and send it to the people you trust.



Ben Rohr

The Mind Jams. Civic Conversations For Friendship And Wisdom | Thinker of Thoughts On Human Development, Community, Technology and The Meaning Of It All