Bibliography Medium Post & Rough Cut (Posts 5&6)

Laila Bensaad-Johnson
2 min readNov 18, 2016


Sources for Digital Story:

Photo of Cabaret Ticket. Orpheum Theatre, Minneapolis, MN. 22 October 2016.

I will use this source to discuss the contrasts between “high tech” productions and those which don’t require much technology. It was also my favorite performance this semester.

Photo of Home Street Home: Minneapolis Ticket. Dowling Studio, Guthrie Theater, Minneapolis, MN. 23 September 2016.

I will use this source to reflect on and explain how and why homelessness continues to prevail in the Twin Cities. I plan to mention a specific example about city plans to remove “panhandlers” around Nicollet Mall and why this is problematic. I may also touch on the middle-upper-class’ view of the “importance” of the new stadium, and how the amount of money used to build it could’ve instead benefited some of the homeless working or nonworking-classes by having safe shelters and homes. I may connect this to the value I see in my student group Feed Minneapolis and the plans the board and I have to improve the community by raising awareness of starvation and homelessness in the Twin Cities.

Photo of Marisol Ticket. Kilburn Arena Theatre — Rarig Center, University of Minnesota-TC, Minneapolis, MN. 5 November 2016.

I will use this source to discuss the contrasts between “high tech” productions and those which don’t require much technology and how technology can add elements to performances that words, actors, or scenery cannot. I could mention the video of multiple images reflected on the brick wall (during the performance) that accentuated the reversed world of Marisol. This reflected the dark sides of our society (homelessness, starvation, pollution, climate change, cruel leadership, oppression of marginalized peoples, etc.). I may connect it to the election and why the performance was politically important.

Omodt-Lopez, Tony. Personal Interview. Date to be determined.

I plan to interview my friend about his experience with theatre consumption this past semester, how he has benefited from it, and how he sees key aspects reflected within society. I will then compare this to how I have benefited from these experiences and grown as a person while realizing everyday how personally and socially crucial theatre is.

Rough Cut:

