Why the USPS logo isn’t successful

Ben Sash
2 min readJul 24, 2018


Current USPS Logo

Some of you may not agree with that statement but hopefully we’ll convince you by the end of this article!

The Symbol

It doesn’t look like what it’s supposed to represent. Btw, it’s an eagle’s head. Come on… How is anyone supposed to get that? It looks more like a stapler.

Also, purely on the aesthetic look of the symbol, it feels unrefined. The curves and spacing feel arbitrary and amateurish.

The Type

They edited the original“A” from the typeface and made it look unnecessarily complex. It’s as if they got confused and thought it was a logo for star wars.

Let us just say this: Be very selective about adjusting the form of the letters. It’s not something to do just because it looks cool. Make sure there’s a good reason for it.

Usually logos that are words only (i.e. FedEx, Coca-Cola, Dell), will make changes to the type to be more unique. However, USPS also has a symbol so it’s not necessary.

We find the “S” to not be great looking either. That angular style “S” seems already outdated to be honest.

Also, what’s up with that thin red line. Is it really needed? Always ask that question when designing a logo. It will help you boil down your design to the bare necessities.

The line seems to be doing more harm than good. At smaller sizes, the red line isn’t visible because of how thin it is. These things matter.

The Colors

Overall, the color palette is dull and generic. Would be nice to have a bit more than just the obvious blue and red.

Not much to say about it. It’s not as bad as the above two but a color palette can really make or break a design. It’s not doing any favors here.

So What’s Next?

We’re going to be posting another article later this week with sketches for a new USPS logo! Follow us to stay updated with our content!

Do you agree with our assessment? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!



Ben Sash

Graphic designer inspired by all things brand design.