A Glimpse Of Life In Heaven

Ben Serna
4 min readMay 23, 2022


“I (Paul) know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago — whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows — such a one was caught up to the third heaven.” 2 Cor.12:2 (I’ve had this experience several times in my life. ~Ben Serna)

My First Experience Of Heaven Occurred At Age 12

To give you some idea of what life is like in Heaven or the Higher Realms of Existence, I will share a little of what it’s like there, having experienced it myself first hand, not as a near-death experience as some people have reported glimpses of a peaceful light or a voice heard. My experiences have all been while I was in full health and waking consciousness. Being transported there has always been surprising and exhilarating. One knows one is being transported to another dimension, another Reality more real than our own here on earth. There is no preparation for this. It just happens, and one instinctively knows what’s happening, even when it happened to me the first time at the age of 12.

On Earth, It Takes Time To Understand And Assimilate Real Spiritual Life

A long stint in ignorance, or material consciousness, in semi-eternal terms, has left us so accustomed to powerlessness that to accept being truly powerful in the beginning is too much to ask for. So it takes time to assimilate and understand this about our spiritual and only Being. We are not the suit of flesh we are wearing. The real person is our soul. The soul is who communicates and feels. The body is used by the soul for certain purposes, and when those purposes are accomplished, it is nicely put away. If need be, another new body is given to the soul to further or complete its desires in the three dimensional or even other dimensional worlds. In the Bible, John the Baptist, by Jesus’ own words, was the reincarnation of the prophet Elijah. Jesus said to the multitudes regarding John the Baptist, “And if you will receive it, he is Elijah who was to come.” Matthew 11:14

Heaven Consists Of Continuous, Unending, And Ecstatic Soul Experiences, Rather Than The Changing Experiences Of So-Called Time On Earth.

There are untold numbers of dimensions as one would imagine in the infinite, creative Mind of God. One’s own personal desires and intelligence dictate which dimension we will exist in and for whatever concept we may desire of the sense of “time”, which in spiritual existence is not time as we know it, but rather it is in reality an ever now “soul-experience”. One may linger in any chosen dimension, but it is not measured in our present time concept, everything really being in the eternal NOW, a concept only understandable at higher levels of spiritual growth.

Experiences In Heaven Always Amaze And Enthrall The Ever-Ecstatic Soul

The soul experiences to its full satisfaction and naturally travels or instantly finds itself fully in whatever beautiful world it may specifically desire, or one always has the “surprise option” if one chooses, which is always delightful and truly surprising in the most amazing ways.

The common thread of life in the Higher Realms of Consciousness, or God, is ecstasy. Everything is filled with it. One need not listen to music, for example. One can BECOME it. Every note, every movement, every high or low or base sound, every varied instrument or instruments are not seen at all. They are experienced deeply and richly, each, together or separate, down to the depths of feeling the vibration of every ecstatic sound imaginable. The music is your very own self, with no end to raptures of every sort.

This is just a glimpse I felt I could share at this time. As the Scripture says, “But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

Meditation Affirmation: “Ecstasy is the true nature of my Being.” One will learn this each in his or her own way by experience and grace. Suffice it to acknowledge and be grateful for this truth to be revealed to each one in stages that only always increase without end.

~ Ben Serna

For more information, please go to: TeachingsOfTheGodhead.com



Ben Serna

My life has been an odysee of “waiting on God” as He reveals the deep meanings of my ecstasies and visions of Jesus, of Angels and of Heaven since I was 12.