On Our Divinity As God-Man In Christ

Ben Serna
3 min readMay 30, 2022


“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Galatians 2:20 “Or don’t you know that all of us in the consciousness of Christ joined our sufferings and death to His? And His Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven is also our own?” Romans 6:3–8

What the Bible says about God, it says about you and me.

God includes us all. As individuals together we make up the Godhead (Elohim). So how can we have any need if God already owns all that exists? As soon as you acknowledge and accept your status in the Godhead, your worries are over. You can be happy and carefree again as you were when you were a child, confident in the care and provision of your parents and family. “Unless you become as little children, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.” Matthew 18:3

Some will say, Those days are gone. My realities now are harsh and bleak. To those I say: That’s how you have accepted to be out of lack of knowledge. You didn’t know you are the child and heir of all existence. These Teachings of The Godhead will remind you and acquaint you of your former glory before you wholeheartedly, in love, agreed to forget your Divinity completely in order to fulfill God’s desire to experience Himself as You in physical form, fully human without one shred of Divine Wisdom.

We Chose To Be Part Of God’s New Creation Out Of Our Love For Our Father. “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” Jeremiah 1:5

What love you and all your fellow humans had that volunteered to fulfill their common desire to please selflessly the Love of their lives, Our Father, in all his Divine diversity as individualized souls. To take off your crowns and glories, to leave all your possessions and Divine understandings…all for love. A long and arduous cross lay before you. Tears and suffering in the absence of God’s glory. An arduous journey that you undertook, not counting the cost, “for the glory set before him, he endured the cross.” Hebrews 12:2 God’s desire would be fulfilled through you. He would be you through the darkness of it all….and then the glory. He would experience the utter joys and delight of finding Himself again as you, of discovering, as you, your way back Home and rejoicing at each baby-step revealing your true Divine and Royal Nature.

We Are The Body Of Christ. His Life Is Our Life.

You are one of the heroic volunteers, whose love knew no bounds to give up the glory of God and Heaven to manifest in lowly flesh as the new God-Man of the Godhead. Not all of the members of the Godhead came to earth to fulfill the Divine Plan to experience becoming a God-Man. The entire infinite creation needed looking after, so they did service to the Godhead by tending to not only their own estates but the estates of those who would be returning to a ticker-tape parade of glory unprecedented in the annals of Eternal Bliss, one that would be celebrated in Eternity, as each one brings remembrance by the robes they wear and the mark on their thigh that says, “King of kings and Lord of lords.” Revelation 19:16 We are the Body of Christ. His life is our life, His marks are our marks. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Galatians 2:20 “Or don’t you know that all of us in the consciousness of Christ joined our sufferings and death to His? And His Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven is also our own?” Romans 6:3–8 This is what it means to be one with Christ, with God. We will each in turn come to the realization of our part in the Godhead. “There is rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner (soul in ignorance) who repents (turns into God).” Luke 15:10

Meditation Affirmation: “Like Jesus, I am fully God and fully Man.” This is a truth that will see its fulfillment as when Jesus, after his Resurrection, appeared in full physical form to his disciples, ate and communed with them and would disappear, only to appear and disappear again at different times before his Ascension into Heaven.

~ Ben Serna

For more information, please go to: TeachingsOfTheGodhead.com



Ben Serna

My life has been an odysee of “waiting on God” as He reveals the deep meanings of my ecstasies and visions of Jesus, of Angels and of Heaven since I was 12.