Faith Switch

Ben Seydel
5 min readMar 28, 2016


Recently I shared at our C3 Bridgeman Downs YA Collective event on the idea that we have a Faith-Switch. The idea that each of us have a choice to switch on (or off) our Faith. I thought I’d put those points down in a post and share them with you — so here they are, hope it helps!

Did you know that within each and everyone of us we have a switch — a Faith-Switch. Everyone has one, given to us by God when he made us. So what is this Faith-Switch and how does it work?

“You see that [his] faith was cooperating with his works, and [his] faith was completed and reached its supreme expression [when he implemented it] by [good] works.” — James 2:22 AMP

You have the ability to Switch Faith; ON — Or — OFF in your life. When you Switch-ON a light we can tell it’s working. — The Lights ON. Pretty simple. Faith is exactly the same. When you switch your faith ON everyone can tell it’s working, and the opposite is true if you choose to switch it off.

FAITH is a CHOICE. It’s something we either choose to SWITCH ON in our lives, or something we choose to leave OFF.

So much can be said on how to switch your faith on and keep it on, but here I’ll share two simple keys I’ve found keep my Faith on and shining like a bright light for all to see.


Wait, what? How does hearing have anything to do with Faith? EVERYTHING!

‬‬ “So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message about Christ.” — Romans‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭HCSB

‭‭The Bible is clear in Romans that Hearing (the message of Christ) is essential to producing Faith in our lives.

To Hear we need Sound. Sounds come from all around us, all the time. It’s obvious then that the environment we find ourselves in influences what we are hearing.

For that reason we must position ourselves in an environment of Faith. There are so many ways we can do this, but a few of the major ways we hear and produce faith are;

  • Attending Church — and getting immersed in Worship & Teaching of the Word of God
  • Listening to Podcasts and Messages in our day-to-day lives
  • Praying & listening to God’s Voice
  • Waiting on Him and listening to the whisper Holy Spirit

As you place yourself into atmospheres like those above and others like them, you will find FAITH RISING on the inside of you and Switching ON Faith easier and more natural. The more you do this, the more you HEAR from HEAVEN.

But hearing alone is not the end of Switching ON Faith. As a result of hearing — you will begin to SPEAK in FAITH.


Speaking in Faith is the second key to keeping your Faith Switch — ON.

March 12, 2015 will stand as one of the greatest days of my life. That was they day I said “I do” and married my beautiful wife, Melanie. Before our wedding day Melly & I had talked about our dream of building our first home, and on returning from our Honeymoon we set about making it happen.

We had no prior experience and, as complete rookies, thought the best thing to do would be to get some advice — from a professional.

Weeks later we met with a mortgage broker and after a good hour of talking, we were basically told that we had been optimistic and for us to get back in-touch with him in 2 years time. In other words, “You’re not ready, and won’t be for a long time”. We were gutted. It felt like our dreams had been shattered.

However, we decided not to accept that. Being sure that we had heard from God and keeping our Faith Switched ON we decided to believe God would come through.

It was at that point we began to SPEAK and declare the promises of God over our situation.

”LIFE and DEATH are in the power of the Tongue…” — Proverbs 18:21

The Bible is very clear that the words we speak shape and form our world around us. Our words have creative power. Truly, Life & Death are in the power of your tongue — in other words:

  • Success -Or- Failure
  • Accomplishment -Or- Disappointment
  • Victory -Or- Defeat

… all hinge on what you say.

“So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have FAITH in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever SAYS to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but BELIEVES that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he SAYS.” — Mark‬ ‭11:22–23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

By choosing to switch our Faith ON, and speak to our ‘mountainous situations’, we began to fulfil the word of God and we witnessed miraculous provision as mountains were moved for us by the goodness and the grace of God — So much so in-fact that in only 10 months since we were told “It’s impossible” Melly & I have purchased a block of land and are in final preparations to begin construction — GOD IS GOOD.

Our story is one of many like it — and it will be exactly the same for you.

If you begin to confess the word of God and SPEAK in FAITH, you will switch your Faith ON and find God is faithful to fulfil his word.

So, to Switch-On Fatih, and keep it ON, we must Hear & Speak. — Hear from Heaven and Listen to Gods voice in a constant atmosphere of FAITH.

And, speak, speak, speak, — pray, worship, declare, speak in tongues and prophesy into your future and into the future of your friends, family and others.

If you step out and begin to do these two simple things you will Switch your Faith ON, build your future & unlock everything God has for you.

— B.

