Sports Medicine Massage Therapy- Restoring your body’s natural balance!

Warming up your muscles before an effort, improving your performance, reducing the risk of injury, and facilitating healing- Sports Medicine Massage Therapy in Perth has a multitude of benefits that make it highly appreciated by athletes. This massage therapy can be practiced before, during and after exercise. This is suitable for athletes of all levels, both beginners and professionals. Sports massage is a good way to maintain performance and continue practicing sports.

Sports Medicine Massage Therapy Perth

Interested in knowing its different virtues? Discover in this article how sports massage therapy can help you in your sports activities.

The benefits of massage therapy for athletes

In the term massage therapy, you can distinguish two words which are massage and therapy. So, massage therapy refers to the care given to the body through massage. This healing technique has been used for several thousand years in several ways, the most common of which are:

  • Therapeutic massage
  • Thai massage
  • Shoulder and back massage
  • Deep tissue massage

In the sports world, massage therapy has several positive aspects, both for amateur practitioners and professional athletes.

1) Increased flexibility and reduced risk of injury

At the end of your sports activity, the muscles that have been used are all tense because of the efforts you have made. In the majority of cases, you may experience painful muscle aches and tightness. Massage therapy intervenes at this level to relax your muscles and fully relax your body.

2) Improving skills

Massage therapy also aims to give more inertia to the body, because relaxation facilitates flexibility and therefore movement. It allows you to become a little faster and a little more enduring while improving your performance. If you are a runner, massage therapy is bound to be a practice that will benefit you.

In addition, it is worth remembering the importance of good breathing for athletes. Massage therapy helps to improve your breathing and therefore to facilitate the oxygenation of your muscles. It also allows you to stay in shape longer and to continue physical exercise, reducing recovery time.

3) Relief for the body

From recovery to physical care, you need to combine all the methods to exercise your favourite activity without any interruption due to injury. Massage therapy can intervene to relieve your body and your muscles. It will allow you to reduce your muscle pain to get back to the sport and prevent reaching the breaking point caused by the accumulation of extreme efforts.

4) The calming of the mind

Massage therapy doesn’t just work on your body. Indeed, it is also effective on your mind. It helps reduce stress and soothe your counter-productive emotions. Indeed, stress can occur at any time in a sporting activity, especially during a competition. To prepare, a massage therapy session can help you focus on your goals.

The best times to practice Sports Medicine massage therapy

If you are an avid athlete, there is no denying that sports massage therapy will have various positive effects on your body, especially if you use it regularly. Perhaps you are wondering if it is better to have a massage before or after sport. Depending on when you have the massages, you can expect different results.

a) Before starting your workout

When practiced at the beginning of the session, the massage constitutes a kind of warm-up before the effort. This massage therapy exercise prepares you physically and mentally for the activity. It prepares your muscles by giving them signals of upcoming activity. It then has the same properties as a warm-up.

b) After the workout

Massage is most often practiced after sports. Practicing a massage after a sporting activity aims to recover joint pain and scars. Perhaps you have realized that virtually all professional athletes are entitled to their massage therapy session after intensive activity. During a competition with successive events, this allows you to better face new events.

How does a massage therapy session for athletes take place?

Massage therapy for athletes requires a massage table and oils containing elements that act on the muscles. The athlete begins by lying down under a sheet, partially clothed or not. This detail depends on the area to be massaged.

Depending on the goals of your massage session, the massage therapist chooses massage techniques to achieve your goals. Sports massage therapy can also be practiced on the floor in specific situations. The session ends with the expert recommendations of the massage therapist on nutrition, strengthening and relaxation of the muscles.

Trust us for your sports monitoring

The practice of a sports activity can have negative effects on the body. Much appreciated in the sports world, massage therapy is an excellent way to prepare you and also to recover better after physical activity. Therefore, if you are searching for the best massage therapy that offers full Body Massage Therapy with appropriate Techniques in Perth, contact Bentley Massage. Our team is trained to provide you with the best sports care and play a leading role in your active life. Contact us to schedule your first session or ask your questions.



How Body And Mind Sports Massage Sooths You

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