Spacemesh’s Journey: A Glimpse into the Future

2 min readOct 26, 2023


Spacemesh’s roadmap, a well-thought-out pathway, is structured into distinct stages, each epitomizing a critical juncture in the project’s evolution. From its nascent stage to a mature, community-driven ecosystem, the roadmap is a testament to Spacemesh’s forward-thinking vision and its commitment to fostering a decentralized blockchain network. Let’s delve into the specifics of each stage, unraveling the objectives and the major highlights that signify the project’s progressive ethos.

Stage I: Genesis (a.k.a. Pioneer) (Q3-Q4 2023) ← You Are Here

  • Description: This stage represents the initial viable version of Spacemesh, encompassing the alpha and beta phases and covering the first mainnet release candidate. While the network is live and operational, user experience might be less smooth, and updates would be frequent. (We have seen that this is indeed the case, although updates have slowed down recently)
  • Focus: The primary focus is on learning, improving security and stability, reducing resource requirements, and enhancing usability.
  • Major New Features: Significant features include hare 3.0, faster startup, rapid PoET improvements, reduced ATX/Beacon/gossip traffic, improved sync, PoST as a service, API 2.0, and more.

Stage II: Stability (a.k.a. Voyager) (Q1-Q2 2024)

  • Description: Most glaring security and stability issues are resolved in this stage, making the node, the P2P network, the Beacon, PoET, and other core infrastructure elements reliable and well-tested.
  • Focus: Emphasis is on functionality, security, audits, and pen testing.
  • Major New Features: These include redesigned Smapp, fixing PoST incentives/design, easier PoST data/identity management, PoET 2.0, modular go-spacemesh, Ledger app, full CLI wallet, and more.

Stage III: Feature Completeness (a.k.a. Titan) (Q3-Q4 2024)

  • Description: This is the first “production-ready” version of Spacemesh. The network is ready to host real money and real applications, although the VM and related tooling are still immature.
  • Focus: Testing and improving the VM and tooling, building an ecosystem of applications and developers, and beginning the process of decentralization.
  • Major New Features: VM, initial proof of concept smart contracts/applications, first developer conference, alpha viable second full node implementation/reference client, and more.

Stage IV: Application Ecosystem (a.k.a. Odyssey) (2025)

  • Description: The VM is well-tested and mature, making it possible and enjoyable to build many kinds of complex applications using mature tooling, with the network capable of hosting them.
  • Focus: Growing the ecosystem, improving tooling, working with developers, decentralizing project governance, funding, and supporting work on a second mainnet-ready client implementation.
  • Major New Features: Grants program, establishment of Foundation/community governance, major proof of concept application, multiple mainnet client implementations, beta mobile device support.

Stage V: Longevity/Escape Velocity (a.k.a. Galactica) (2026+)

  • Description: Spacemesh becomes a mature project with robust technology, excellent documentation, and an active ecosystem. The development company can reduce its role, trusting the governance of the project to the community.
  • Focus: Completing governance transition and ensuring the ecosystem’s health.
  • Major New Features: Community governance and production mobile device support.

Spacemesh’s roadmap is a reflection of its ambition to build a robust, decentralized blockchain network, underpinned by a collaborative community ethos. Each stage is a stepping stone towards achieving a self-sustaining ecosystem that transcends the conventional paradigms of blockchain technology.




I write a few unofficial articles to help understand Spacemesh but I am not affiliated with the team in any way.