Apple’s Quest to Immortalize Memories

The virtual worlds of tomorrow and the promise of reliving yesterday

Ben Ulansey
New Choices
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2023


Child wearing VR helmet in eerie blue lighting
Photo by Giu Vicente on Unsplash

When the Apple Vision Pro was announced earlier this year, it made waves for multiple reasons. One was the price tag. With a starting cost of $3,500 for its slated launch window early next year, many were quick to shock and outrage. Regardless of what exactly the device was offering, few seemed willing to spend that kind of sum on Apple’s latest gadget.

But one part of the presentation stood out to me far more than the price tag — one feature that grabbed my attention above all else: the ability to record conscious experiences. With what Apple has dubbed “Spatial Recording,” we can return to places we’ve been with a full field of view. We’ll be able to see things as they were and hear them as they were.

Though there were many staggering new features unveiled that day, from advanced augmented reality functions to its “Spatial Computing” abilities, I’m not sure there was a moment more surreal than the announcement that these products will allow us to relive memories.

In nearly all aspects, it’s clear that the technology marks a staggering bound in the evolution of our digital lives. The device’s release will bring no shortage…



Ben Ulansey
New Choices

Writer, musician, dog whisperer, video game enthusiast and amateur lucid dreamer. I write memoirs, satires, philosophical treatises and everything in between 🐙