What I Learned From My First Solo International Trip

Traveling, learning, and occasionally stumbling

Ben Ulansey
Digital Global Traveler


Photo by author

Webster’s Dictionary defines velleity as “The lowest degree of volition… a slight wish or tendency.” And throughout most of my life, that’s what the idea of travel was for me. It was a concept floating out of reach — intriguing yet never quite enticing enough to leap for.

These past few years, I’ve felt a growing wanderlust well inside me. As 2024 arrived, I could resist the temptation no more. I needed to book a ticket somewhere — anywhere. And that anywhere I landed on happened to be Belize. Travel would no longer remain a velleity hovering loosely in the back of my mind.

Belize wasn’t a completely arbitrary destination. It was tropical enough to escape the brunt of a blustery Pennsylvania January, close enough not to throw my schedule into disarray, and English-speaking enough not to wander its streets in total confusion.

Among the most interesting things I discovered from my time spent traveling were some of the oddities of tourist towns. There’s a liminal component to life in those bureaus where the population is in near-constant flux. In the absence of constancy, people are more open to new friends and new experiences.



Ben Ulansey
Digital Global Traveler

Writer, musician, dog whisperer, video game enthusiast and amateur lucid dreamer. I write memoirs, satires, philosophical treatises and everything in between 🐙