7 customer experience improvement opportunities with Generative AI

Ben Yi
4 min readJul 24, 2023


Since the launch of DALL-E 2 and chat GPT in 2022, Generative AI has been a buzz word in the tech and business communities. However, as a user and as a tech, I haven’t really seen too many applications of generative AI in businesses yet (besides helping me write these blogs in shorter time). Here are 7 real opportunities to improve CX (Customer Experience) with generative AI that every product manager, Chief Product Officer, Chief Customer Officer, or even CEOs, should consider and incorporate into product roadmap.

1️⃣ Chat Interface UI: with the release of chatGPT, a chat user interface is now acceptable to a whole generation of users, or even expected. Generative AI can be used to create intuitive and interactive chat interfaces, providing a more engaging and user-friendly way for customers to interact with services or products. This can significantly enhance the user experience and increase customer engagement. For example, a chatbot powered by generative AI can understand and respond to customer queries in real-time, providing instant support and guidance, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

For a SaaS product, the interface can go much further than the typical Bot chat bubble for answering customer queries. The real potential is to use the chat interface to retrieve or update information. For example, it is much more intuitive and convenience to ask an image processing program to “remove the chair in the picture, increase the contrast, and sharpen the details of the model” than manually doing these tasks.

2️⃣ Multilingual Support: Generative AI can provide robust multilingual support, enabling businesses to interact effectively with customers from different linguistic backgrounds. This can help businesses expand their reach to global markets and cater to a diverse customer base. For instance, a generative AI model can be trained to translate content or respond to customer queries in multiple languages, ensuring that customers from different regions feel valued and understood.

3️⃣ Content Localization: Generative AI can localize content to suit specific cultures or regions, making it more relevant and effective for customers from different backgrounds. This can involve adapting the content to reflect local customs, tastes, and cultural nuances. By doing so, businesses can build stronger relationships with their customers and increase their brand loyalty. For example, EDMs to a customer of a certain ethnicity (or customers in a suburb having a high concentration of a particular ethnicity) can feature models from that ethnic background. With generative AI, this no longer requires expensive re-shoots of the images and can be processed quickly.

4️⃣ Personalized Customer Experience: Generative AI can individualize content for customers, create personalized marketing campaigns, and generate product recommendations. This can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, and increase sales. For example, based on a customer’s browsing history and purchase behavior, generative AI can generate personalized product recommendations or tailor marketing messages to suit the customer’s preferences and needs. Toccata AI has already built in this feature into the demo — you can generate individualized outbound emails featuring “grab a coffee”, “happy dragon boat festival”, or even “god bless America”, in a few clicks or even on the fly.

A human serving robots at a restaurant, as imagined by Bing Image Creator

5️⃣ Knowledge Extraction and Dissemination: Generative AI can unleash knowledge from Q&A databases, creating a valuable resource for both employees and customers. This can enhance the customer experience by providing quick and accurate information. For instance, LangChain model with careful prompt engineering can extract relevant information from a knowledge database and generate concise and understandable responses to customer queries, reducing the time customers spend searching for information and improving their overall experience.

6️⃣ Automated Customer Support: Generative AI can automate responses to common customer inquiries, freeing up customer service representatives to handle more complex issues. This can lead to faster response times and improved customer satisfaction. For example, Australian voice AI customer support startup curious thing can handle routine queries and has shown to improve retention rate.

7️⃣ Customer Onboarding: Generative AI can create personalized learning materials and resources, helping customers to better understand and utilize products or services. This not only enhances the customer experience but also empowers customers, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement. For instance, generative AI can generate user guides or tutorials tailored to a customer’s specific needs or level of expertise, making it easier for them to learn how to use a product or service.

The efficiency gain and automation opportunities of Generative AI are already well known and used by marketing and business professionals. However, its ability to enhance the customer experience remain largely untapped. By leveraging its capabilities, businesses can provide more personalized, efficient, and engaging interactions, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. As the technology continues to evolve, it’s clear that Generative AI will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of customer experience. Businesses that embrace this technology today will be well-positioned to lead the way in the customer-centric economy of tomorrow.

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