PHP’s Hidden Weapon: Dynamic Variables Unearthed

3 min readJun 24, 2023


Hello, fellow developers! Today, I am going to talk about an interesting aspect of PHP: dynamic variables. PHP is known for its extensive feature set and flexibility, and dynamic variables are a perfect example of that. Even though it’s a lesser-known feature, it can sometimes come in handy in real-life applications. But before we get into it, let’s first understand what dynamic variables are and how they work.

What are Dynamic Variables?

Dynamic variables, also known as variable variables, allow us to use the value of a variable as the name of another variable. It’s a sort of indirect reference to a variable in PHP. You can create a dynamic variable by prefixing a variable with an additional dollar sign ($). Here's a simple example:

$var = 'hello';
$$var = 'world';
echo $hello; // outputs 'world'

In the above code, $$var is a dynamic variable. Here, $var contains the string 'hello', so $$var will be treated as $hello.

Use Cases for Dynamic Variables

While some developers might argue that the use of dynamic variables can lead to confusing code, it is not entirely without use cases. Here are a couple of practical scenarios where dynamic variables can be useful:

1. Handling Dynamic Data Sources:

Imagine you’re dealing with data coming from different data sources and you need to store them separately. Instead of creating multiple variables manually, you can use dynamic variables to handle it efficiently.

$dataSources = ['user', 'product', 'order'];

foreach ($dataSources as $source) {
$$source = fetchData($source);

In the above code, fetchData($source) is a hypothetical function that fetches data corresponding to the given source. After running this loop, you'll have $user, $product, and $order variables filled with data.

2. Variable State in Games:

Dynamic variables can also be useful when developing games or any application that requires maintaining various states. Instead of creating individual variables for each state, dynamic variables can be used.

$states = ['begin', 'middle', 'end'];

foreach ($states as $state) {
${'gameState_'.$state} = checkGameState($state);

Here, checkGameState($state) is a hypothetical function that checks the game state. After the loop, you will have $gameState_begin, $gameState_middle, and $gameState_end variables.

Are Dynamic Variables Still Useful in 2023?

As PHP continues to evolve with more advanced and clean ways of handling variables and data structures, the necessity for dynamic variables has indeed declined. The use of dynamic variables can often lead to code that’s hard to understand and debug, which makes it a less-preferred approach.

Most use cases for dynamic variables can now be solved more elegantly using data structures like arrays and objects, which also provide better organization and flexibility. For instance, in our previous examples, instead of creating multiple dynamic variables, we could store the data in arrays or objects with keys corresponding to the source or state. This approach is easier to read, maintain, and debug.

$dataSources = ['user', 'product', 'order'];
$data = [];

foreach ($dataSources as $source) {
$data[$source] = fetchData($source);

In the above example, $data is an associative array where each key is a data source name and the corresponding value is the fetched data.

In Conclusion:

While dynamic variables are a fascinating part of PHP, their usage has become increasingly less common due to the availability of more robust, intuitive, and cleaner ways of handling variables and data structures. As we stand in 2023, it’s recommended to use dynamic variables sparingly and carefully, keeping in mind that the goal of coding should always be clarity, maintainability, and efficiency.

