The story of the Elephant

Bereket Tolcha
1 min readOct 1, 2022



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I read one story in ‘Think Better’ by Tim Hurson and that’s what I will share with you today.

Here is the story:

“In India, elephant wranglers, or mahouts, prevent elegant calves from wandering by chaining one of the animal’s legs to a stake deeply embedded in the ground.

Try as they might, the young elephants aren’t strong enough either to break their chains or dislodge the stake.

Attempting to do so is not only fruitless but uncomfortable as the chain tightens around their legs. Pretty soon they stop trying.

As adults, elephants were kept in place with a length of woven hemp tied to a stake hammered into the ground with a few strokes. Full-grown elephants can pull away from their tethers easily, but they don’t.

They have a deeply ingrained pattern that tells them that escape is impossible. For the elephants, the pattern has become more powerful than the data.”

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Bereket Tolcha

I enjoy reading books and sharing my thoughts with colleagues and friends. Udemy profile: