Six Core Human Needs According to Tony Robbins & One Way to Fulfill Them

Beri Meric
2 min readSep 17, 2017
IVY Evening of Music @ SoHo NYC, 2017, Beri Meric

Taken together, the below six core needs can help us understand why we do what we do, and better understand everyone around us. To learn more, check out this mind-blowing podcast by Tony Robbins.

1. Certainty

We have a deep need for certainty in life — we crave stability in our relationships, health, and financial wellbeing. We do not want to be unpleasantly surprised when it comes to the things we hold most dear.

2. Variety

At the same time, we need surprises and adventure in life. We do not want to be bored by experiencing the same predictable things every single day.

3. Significance

We also have a deep need to stand out and be visible to other people. We want to avoid being invisible and irrelevant, no matter what it takes.

4. Connection

Beyond having significance to others, we also have a deep need to be connected and loved for who we are. We do not want to be left disconnected, alone, and unappreciated.

5. Growth

Even if these first four needs are being met, we still need to feel like we are always growing and making progress. We do not want to feel like we are standing still, or stagnating.

6. Contribution

Perhaps most importantly (and subtly), we also have an intense need to contribute to something greater than ourselves. We simply need to share what we have with others to get the most fulfillment out of life. Our talents and belongings do little to help us if we keep them just to ourselves.

One Way To Fulfill These Needs

Joining a community like IVY can provide for all of these needs by offering lifelong access to inspiring people, ideas, and experiences. Specifically, IVY can provide:

  • Certainty through a community that will always be there for you no matter what is happening in your personal and professional life
  • Variety through continuous introductions to diverse people and experiences focused on everything ranging from art and entrepreneurship to social impact, policy, and wellness
  • Significance through sharing your story and endeavors with an inspiring group of individuals who want the best for you
  • Connection through establishing lifelong friendships and bonds with likeminded peers
  • Growth through learning from the leading minds of our time, as well as peers who are passionate about making a difference in the world
  • Contribution through engaging with meaningful causes and important initiatives across the country

To learn more, take a moment to register on, check out our upcoming events, and learn from our thought leaders on IVY TV.

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Beri Meric is the co-founder of IVY: The Social University. You can connect with him on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter .

