Privacy Policy

2 min readJul 24, 2023


Privacy Policy:

At SimurgApp, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users and making “Math Game” app suitable for everyone, including children. This Privacy Policy outlines the information collected, used, and disclosed by the “Math Game” app.

1. Data Collection:
- The app collects and stores the user’s chosen username, scores, and unique identifier (UID) for gameplay and high score tracking purposes.
- The app does not collect personal information from children. Children’s usernames are used solely for in-game functionality.

2. Data Usage:
- Usernames and scores are used only for display on the leaderboard and in-game UI elements.
- The unique identifier (UID) is used to differentiate users on the leaderboard and for gameplay statistics tracking.
- The app does not share user data with third parties or external services.

3. Advertisements:
- “Math Game” displays advertisements using Google AdMob. AdMob may collect device-specific information and user location data to provide targeted advertisements. Refer to Google’s Privacy Policy for more information on AdMob data collection and usage.

4. Security:
- SimurgApp takes reasonable measures to secure user data.
- Extra precautions are taken to protect children’s data and ensure a safe gaming experience for them.

5. Children’s Privacy:
- “Math Game” is open for everyone, including children, who can use it under parental or guardian supervision.
- We offer a specially designed option for children to create accounts without collecting their personal information.

6. Changes to Privacy Policy:
- SimurgApp reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy. Users will be informed of any significant changes.

By using “Math Game” app, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about your data or this policy, please contact us at

