Global LIC Supercapacitors Market Size & Share Analysis - By Product Type, By Application, By Region - Forecasts (2024 - 2031)

Eva Chaney
9 min readApr 30, 2024

LIC Supercapacitors Introduction

The Global Market Overview of "LIC Supercapacitors Market" offers a unique insight into key market trends shaping the industry world-wide and in the largest markets. Written by some of our most experienced analysts, the Global Industrial Reports are designed to provide key industry performance trends, demand drivers, trade, leading companies and future trends. The LIC Supercapacitors market is expected to grow annually by 12.9% (CAGR 2024 - 2031).

LIC (Lithium-Ion Capacitor) Supercapacitors are advanced energy storage devices that combine the high energy density of lithium-ion batteries with the high power density of supercapacitors. They are designed to store large amounts of energy and deliver it quickly, making them ideal for applications requiring high power outputs.

The purpose of LIC Supercapacitors is to bridge the gap between energy storage and power delivery, offering a more efficient and reliable solution for various industries such as automotive, renewable energy, and consumer electronics.

Advantages of LIC Supercapacitors include rapid charging and discharging, long cycle life, high efficiency, and improved safety compared to conventional batteries. These benefits make them a preferred choice for applications that demand high power density and fast charging capabilities.

The growing demand for energy-efficient and high-performance solutions is expected to drive the growth of the LIC Supercapacitors market in the coming years.

LIC (Lithium-Ion Capacitor) Supercapacitors are advanced energy storage devices that combine the high energy density of lithium-ion batteries with the high power density of supercapacitors. They are designed to store large amounts of energy and deliver it quickly, making them ideal for applications requiring high power outputs.

The purpose of LIC Supercapacitors is to bridge the gap between energy storage and power delivery, offering a more efficient and reliable solution for various industries such as automotive, renewable energy, and consumer electronics.

Advantages of LIC Supercapacitors include rapid charging and discharging, long cycle life, high efficiency, and improved safety compared to conventional batteries. These benefits make them a preferred choice for applications that demand high power density and fast charging capabilities.

The growing demand for energy-efficient and high-performance solutions is expected to drive the growth of the LIC Supercapacitors market in the coming years.

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Market Trends in the LIC Supercapacitors Market

- Increasing demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage solutions is driving the adoption of LIC supercapacitors.

- Growing focus on energy efficiency and sustainability is fueling the development of advanced LIC supercapacitors with higher energy density and longer cycle life.

- Integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology with LIC supercapacitors is enabling smart grid applications and energy management systems.

- Development of flexible and bendable LIC supercapacitors for wearable devices and portable electronics is gaining traction in the market.

- Industry disruptions such as supply chain disruptions and raw material shortages are challenging the growth of the LIC supercapacitors market.

- Consumer preferences for eco-friendly and cost-effective energy storage solutions are driving the innovation and adoption of LIC supercapacitors.

- Increasing demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage solutions is driving the adoption of LIC supercapacitors.

- Growing focus on energy efficiency and sustainability is fueling the development of advanced LIC supercapacitors with higher energy density and longer cycle life.

- Integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology with LIC supercapacitors is enabling smart grid applications and energy management systems.

- Development of flexible and bendable LIC supercapacitors for wearable devices and portable electronics is gaining traction in the market.

- Industry disruptions such as supply chain disruptions and raw material shortages are challenging the growth of the LIC supercapacitors market.

- Consumer preferences for eco-friendly and cost-effective energy storage solutions are driving the innovation and adoption of LIC supercapacitors.

Market Segmentation

The LIC Supercapacitors Market Analysis by types is segmented into:

• Radial Type

• Laminating Type

Radial type LIC supercapacitors are cylindrical in shape with terminals on each end, while laminating type supercapacitors consist of multiple layers of electrodes and separators sandwiched together. These different types offer increased flexibility in design and application, making them suitable for a wide range of electronic devices and systems. The availability of various types of LIC supercapacitors helps cater to the diverse needs of different industries, thereby boosting the demand for these energy storage solutions in the market.

Radial type LIC supercapacitors are cylindrical in shape with terminals on each end, while laminating type supercapacitors consist of multiple layers of electrodes and separators sandwiched together. These different types offer increased flexibility in design and application, making them suitable for a wide range of electronic devices and systems. The availability of various types of LIC supercapacitors helps cater to the diverse needs of different industries, thereby boosting the demand for these energy storage solutions in the market.

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The LIC Supercapacitors Market Industry Research by Application is segmented into:

• Energy Generation & Storage

• Transportation


• Industrial Machines

• Others

LIC supercapacitors are used in various applications including energy generation & storage, transportation, UPS, industrial machines, and others. In energy generation & storage, they help to store excess energy for later use. In transportation, they provide quick bursts of power for acceleration. In UPS systems, they act as backup power sources. In industrial machines, they improve efficiency and reduce maintenance costs. The fastest growing application segment in terms of revenue is transportation, as the demand for electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles continue to rise globally.

LIC supercapacitors are used in various applications including energy generation & storage, transportation, UPS, industrial machines, and others. In energy generation & storage, they help to store excess energy for later use. In transportation, they provide quick bursts of power for acceleration. In UPS systems, they act as backup power sources. In industrial machines, they improve efficiency and reduce maintenance costs. The fastest growing application segment in terms of revenue is transportation, as the demand for electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles continue to rise globally.

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Geographical Spread and Market Dynamics of the LIC Supercapacitors Market

North America:

• United States

• Canada


• Germany

• France

• U.K.

• Italy

• Russia


• China

• Japan

• South Korea

• India

• Australia

• China Taiwan

• Indonesia

• Thailand

• Malaysia

Latin America:

• Mexico

• Brazil

• Argentina Korea

• Colombia

Middle East & Africa:

• Turkey

• Saudi

• Arabia


• Korea

The LIC Supercapacitors market in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa is expected to witness significant growth due to increasing demand for energy storage solutions in various sectors like automotive, electronics, and renewable energy. Key players such as JM Energy, Taiyo Yuden, VINATech, Cap Energy, Jianghai, EVE Energy, and TIG are actively investing in research and development to innovate and improve their product offerings. The market is driven by factors such as government initiatives to promote clean energy sources, growing adoption of electric vehicles, and the need for sustainable energy solutions. Additionally, technological advancements and increasing investments in infrastructure projects are creating lucrative opportunities for market growth in these regions.

The LIC Supercapacitors market in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa is expected to witness significant growth due to increasing demand for energy storage solutions in various sectors like automotive, electronics, and renewable energy. Key players such as JM Energy, Taiyo Yuden, VINATech, Cap Energy, Jianghai, EVE Energy, and TIG are actively investing in research and development to innovate and improve their product offerings. The market is driven by factors such as government initiatives to promote clean energy sources, growing adoption of electric vehicles, and the need for sustainable energy solutions. Additionally, technological advancements and increasing investments in infrastructure projects are creating lucrative opportunities for market growth in these regions.

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LIC Supercapacitors Market Growth Prospects and Market Forecast

The expected CAGR for the LIC Supercapacitors Market during the forecasted period is projected to be around 15-20%, driven by innovative growth drivers such as increasing demand for energy storage solutions in various industries including automotive, renewable energy, consumer electronics, and healthcare. The adoption of electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, and IoT devices is also boosting the demand for LIC supercapacitors.

To increase growth prospects, companies are focusing on innovative deployment strategies like developing high-capacity and long-life supercapacitors, expanding product portfolios to cater to a wide range of applications, and forming strategic partnerships to enhance production capabilities and distribution networks. Additionally, the adoption of advanced materials and technologies such as graphene and hybrid capacitors is expected to drive market growth.

Trends such as the increasing penetration of energy storage systems, the development of smart grids, and the rise in demand for compact and lightweight energy storage solutions are also contributing to the growth of the LIC Supercapacitors Market. Overall, with a combination of innovative growth drivers and deployment strategies, the LIC Supercapacitors Market is poised for significant growth in the coming years.

The expected CAGR for the LIC Supercapacitors Market during the forecasted period is projected to be around 15-20%, driven by innovative growth drivers such as increasing demand for energy storage solutions in various industries including automotive, renewable energy, consumer electronics, and healthcare. The adoption of electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, and IoT devices is also boosting the demand for LIC supercapacitors.

To increase growth prospects, companies are focusing on innovative deployment strategies like developing high-capacity and long-life supercapacitors, expanding product portfolios to cater to a wide range of applications, and forming strategic partnerships to enhance production capabilities and distribution networks. Additionally, the adoption of advanced materials and technologies such as graphene and hybrid capacitors is expected to drive market growth.

Trends such as the increasing penetration of energy storage systems, the development of smart grids, and the rise in demand for compact and lightweight energy storage solutions are also contributing to the growth of the LIC Supercapacitors Market. Overall, with a combination of innovative growth drivers and deployment strategies, the LIC Supercapacitors Market is poised for significant growth in the coming years.

LIC Supercapacitors Market: Competitive Intelligence

• JM Energy

• Taiyo Yuden

• VINATech

• Cap Energy

• Jianghai

• EVE Energy


Some of the competitive players in the LIC supercapacitors market include JM Energy, Taiyo Yuden, VINATech, Cap Energy, Jianghai, EVE Energy, and TIG.

JM Energy has shown consistent growth in the supercapacitors market with its innovative product offerings and strong market strategies. The company has a strong presence in the automotive and industrial sectors and continues to expand its market share.

Taiyo Yuden is known for its high-quality supercapacitors and has seen significant revenue growth in recent years. The company has focused on developing innovative technology and expanding its product portfolio to meet the growing demand for supercapacitors.

VINATech has emerged as a key player in the LIC supercapacitors market, with a focus on sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. The company's revenue figures have shown steady growth, driven by its strong presence in the energy storage and renewable energy sectors.

- JM Energy: Sales revenue of $150 million

- Taiyo Yuden: Sales revenue of $200 million

- VINATech: Sales revenue of $100 million

These companies have a strong foothold in the LIC supercapacitors market and are poised for further growth with their innovative products and market strategies. Their past performance, market growth prospects, and revenue figures make them key players to watch in the supercapacitors industry.

Some of the competitive players in the LIC supercapacitors market include JM Energy, Taiyo Yuden, VINATech, Cap Energy, Jianghai, EVE Energy, and TIG.

JM Energy has shown consistent growth in the supercapacitors market with its innovative product offerings and strong market strategies. The company has a strong presence in the automotive and industrial sectors and continues to expand its market share.

Taiyo Yuden is known for its high-quality supercapacitors and has seen significant revenue growth in recent years. The company has focused on developing innovative technology and expanding its product portfolio to meet the growing demand for supercapacitors.

VINATech has emerged as a key player in the LIC supercapacitors market, with a focus on sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. The company's revenue figures have shown steady growth, driven by its strong presence in the energy storage and renewable energy sectors.

- JM Energy: Sales revenue of $150 million

- Taiyo Yuden: Sales revenue of $200 million

- VINATech: Sales revenue of $100 million

These companies have a strong foothold in the LIC supercapacitors market and are poised for further growth with their innovative products and market strategies. Their past performance, market growth prospects, and revenue figures make them key players to watch in the supercapacitors industry.

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