A strange alien cylinder appears in front of the cameras of the International Space Station(UFO)

Jim Bernard
2 min readAug 20, 2018


That in the live videos of the International Space Station (ISS) appear strange objects passing near the Earth is nothing new. We could see it last month, where a video showed what appeared to be a bright light floating above the Earth . Even NASA was forced to make an official statement after Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti published a video in which several UFOs could be seen passing behind an ISS window. A spokesman for the US space agency said it was simply a reflection in the window.

But if this is strange, what would you think if you saw a cylindrical UFO near the International Space Station? As this is what has happened, a strange elongated object has appeared suddenly in front of one of the ISS cameras before approaching and fading. Experts in the matter believe that it is an alien spacecraft using a camouflage device, thus ruling out that it is space junk.

The cylinder-shaped UFO near the ISS

A strange cylindrical UFO has been captured during the live transmission of one of the cameras of the International Space Station , according to the British newspaper Daily Mail . Both conspiracy theorists and ufologists believe the images show that aliens have developed camouflage technology.

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