Bernard H Hamilton
Bernard H Hamilton

I wear many hats as a Professional Counselor, former Senior Pastor, VP of Real Estate Operations, Author, Life Coach, Husband, and Non-Chalant Father. Everything else is relative.

I am here to inspire people from all walks of life in pursuing their respective dreams, whatever those dreams may be.

I am a personal development/self-help Author from a biblical perspective who has written a number of books over the years, ranging from inspirational devotions, relational, law of attraction from a biblical perspective, along with some provocative articles that have addressed controversial topics; in good taste of course. As a former Senior Pastor, I have yet to write on topics of things that go on behind Church meeting conference rooms.

My passion is in helping people who are ready to move their lives to a higher level of consciousness from a biblical perspective, without the preachiness of the genre, mixed with Law of Attractive simplicity. And there you have it.

Medium member since March 2024