Beware 2 Dangers of Familiarity in the Church

Bernard Omondi
3 min readFeb 14, 2024


Dear beloved, today I bring to your attention a matter that can subtly creep into our midst, threatening the vitality and effectiveness of our church community. It’s the danger of familiarity.

Familiarity has a way of blinding us to the sacredness of our surroundings, dulling our spiritual senses, and hindering our growth as individuals and as a body of Christ. Let us delve into this topic together, seeking understanding and guidance from God’s Word.

I. What is Familiarity?

Familiarity is more than just knowing each other’s names or faces. It’s when we become so accustomed to the routines, traditions, and people within our church community that we lose sight of their significance.

It’s when the sacred becomes mundane, and the extraordinary becomes ordinary. So, it can steal your divine blessings, as I have shown you here:

II. The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11–32)

In the parable of the prodigal son, we see the danger of familiarity illustrated through the older brother. Despite living in his father’s house and being surrounded by blessings, he became resentful and self-righteous.

His familiarity with his father’s household blinded him to the beauty of grace and reconciliation. Similarly, in our church, familiarity can lead to complacency, jealousy, and judgmental attitudes.

We that:

i. Familiarity breeds spiritual stagnation

When we become too comfortable in our church environment, we may stop seeking growth and transformation.

We settle for surface-level spirituality, going through the motions without experiencing the fullness of God’s presence. This hinders our ability to mature in our faith and fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.

Stagnation kills since it bring temporary pleasure, but there’s more to life than being happy.

ii. Stops church growth

Familiarity can also alienate newcomers and outsiders. When our church culture is characterized by insider language, cliques, and exclusive behaviors, it creates barriers for those seeking to connect with God and His people.

We must remember Jesus’ call to welcome the stranger and show hospitality to all.

Matthew 25:35 (New International Version):

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”

Overcoming Familiarity

  1. Cultivate a Spirit of Gratitude: Let us never take God’s blessings for granted but continually express gratitude for His goodness and faithfulness.
  2. Renewed Vision: Let us ask God to renew our vision and help us see the beauty and sacredness in every aspect of our church community.
  3. Embrace Change: Let us be open to change and innovation, recognizing that God works in new and unexpected ways to accomplish His purposes.
  4. Intentional Relationships: Let us foster authentic and meaningful relationships within our church, breaking down barriers of familiarity and embracing diversity.
  5. Pursue God Wholeheartedly: Above all, let us pursue God with all our hearts, seeking His presence and guidance in every aspect of our lives.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us heed the warning against the dangers of familiarity in the church. May we cultivate a spirit of humility, gratitude, and openness to God’s leading. Let us embrace the richness of our faith community with fresh eyes and open hearts, that we may experience the fullness of God’s presence and fulfill His purposes for us. Amen.



Bernard Omondi

A dedicated writer and brother, committed to sharing God's love and teachings. If I could, I'd do this 24/7! Servingyou.