The Tears That Taught Me Life and Spiritual Cover

Bernard Omondi
11 min readSep 28, 2023


I have messed up in life, ministry, and more, and I have shed tears. Lots of it. But God has used some of his servants to keep me on my feet.

In the journey of life, I have felt lost and disoriented many times to the extent that I consider the faith journey as a complex and winding path with twists and turns, dead ends, and unforeseen challenges. Let’s call this path a labyrinth.

Just as in a labyrinth, it’s easy to feel lost and disoriented, especially when navigating questions of faith and purpose.

At the beginning of your journey, you may have entered this labyrinth with curiosity, seeking answers and direction. The labyrinth represents the vastness of life’s uncertainties, filled with both moments of clarity and moments of confusion.

For me, this journey began with a thirst for meaning and eventually evolved into a quest to understand the profound concept of “spiritual cover.”

Let’s start by taking a look at my faith journey in brief.

The Genesis of My Faith Journey

As I write, I am in my very late 30s, so the foundation years, from childhood to about 30 years, are behind me. We will be focusing on the foundation.

I was curious about spirituality from a young age but needed a clear direction. Doubts and questions loomed as I navigated life’s complexities.

My faith journey began as I sought answers to these profound inquiries, driven by a desire to understand my purpose.

Pre-Salvation Days

I began to ‘preach’ when I was about 12 years old. My elder brother and I were baptized in many waters. After that, I began to ‘preach,’ especially to a few classmates. I majorly shared on matters surrounding the Sabbath.

My favorite scripture was: ‘After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb’ (Mathew 28: 1).

Salvation Days

I received Christ when I was about 15. In the initial days, I could feel a fire burn in my heart, and I shared this with a few leaders in our small church.

High School Hour

I joined high school and held various leadership positions in the Christian Union (CU), including the chairmanship.

We benefited from the leadership of one of our able teachers who did his best to nurture the team.

The Start of My Ministry Work

I have had the rare chance to lead a few revival movements with varying degrees of success. The Salvation Campaign Team, which we initiated in high school, registered exceptional victories between 2005 and 2006.

Some people who were saved during those days are currently ministry leaders.

It’ time to talk about how I messed up or, as someone says, the tears that taught me. After launching the revival movement in school, I left for Nairobi, leaving the team in the hands of ‘God.’

I thank God my absence didn’t cause problems for a long time. In fact, the team continued to flourish under the able leadership of the acting team leader and the rest.

However, the CU team was affected. We lost contact, and our warm and Godly relationship eventually vanished. We had agreed to do some important things to keep the fire burning. Sorry. I didn’t deliver on the promise.

I have to admit that I loved these people. One day someone senior asked me whether I felt ‘awkward’ sitting so close to some of the ladies. I replied didn’t. How do you dare feel high when relating with your sisters?

I love those days of innocence. No wonder we prayed for 3 minutes but registered some success.

For example, when a student was bedridden, a few of us prayed for him. The colleague was healed and went to class immediately.

Tearful Moments

As already stated, after high school, I rushed to Nairobi. Why? Someone asked me to travel to help them. Yes, God knows whether it was worth it. I think it wasn’t. When talking about the tears that taught me, I can’t leave it out.

I wasted a lot of time instead of going to college or university. No one could help.

To address this, I visited key politicians, opinion leaders, and some top leaders in the Ministry of Education. My Member of Parliament gave me 300 shillings for transport, so I appreciate it. They saw me as a lone ranger with no political clout. So, nothing happened despite having scored some As and Bs etc.

In fact, this takes me back to what being an orphan means. Thank God one of my parents is still alive.

Reader Beware: Orphans are not necessarily people without parents-governments, NGOs, etc. should underline or italicize this.

I had no support. I wasted time. Well-wishers were made to believe I was safe and well taken care of. But powerlessness or orphan-hood played its role perfectly.

Yes, men fear power. They fear people who can put them to account. Without that, they can easily find suitable excuses.

I sat for a few CPA exams and passed, but lack of support still stood in my way. I remember studying financial accounting and auditing at home with no instructor and then going to the National Youth Service to sit for the exams.

The powerful people said, “You can’t make it. I won’t support it. Remember, no one will corrupt the system for you. Your parent won’t and can’t do it.” Fraud is not God.

  • Well, some institutions of higher learning have given me some learning opportunities. I only need time.

Writing the tears that taught me is so difficult. I have written many articles with ease, but not this. Nevertheless, we move on.

My Ministry Launch And Beyond

In 2018, I felt unusual courage to launch a ministry. It looked like the courage of a lion. Everything appeared well set.

The response on day one was good enough for someone who had never been involved in ministry work in Tassia before. We successfully embraced faith and trust in God. Here is more about how you can do this:

2018 Journey and Tears

But we messed up. Or, I messed up. Before long, I discovered I was all alone in this thing. We continued working hard.

After two years of ministry work, I removed the banner bearing the name of my ‘sponsoring’ church. I replaced it with mine, The Glorious Covenant Church.

Yes, I welcomed an ‘apostle’ to offer some support. Yes, he picked a person from his tribe and asked him to follow him, thinking he was responsible for the success of the church. Many members were from that tribe.

He also took one who had stolen all our church instruments. The thief and family showed me a lot of disrespect to the extent that I decided not to involve the police or take any action.

They planned to launch a church. Unfortunately, even their first meeting didn’t take off. The ‘apostle’ came in time, though.

Before long, ‘my thief’ was arrested for stealing the properties of their pastor-to-be. And that complicated things for them.

But we were still in trouble too. These events left our church exhausted and gasping for fresh air. It was painful and exhausting. Perhaps it’s a perfect definition of the tears that taught me service/ministry.

2001 Journey and Tears

We reopened the church in 2001. This time, I was breathing fire, promising we wouldn’t close it again. I was genuine, ladies and gentlemen. But it’s hard to trust someone who breathes fire today and cold air the next.

So what happened? I woke up one day, and the fire I was breathing from my belly was no more. This fire gave us a message that had prompted a stranger to support some of our activities.

But dreams have power (Sema ‘point’. Please use Apostle Dunstan Maboya’s voice and body language here). Done?


Here is the story: I dreamt of meeting someone, and in the morning my focus had shifted to my own things. I didn’t suspect anything initially. Yes, we all dream after all. My philosophy says it’s normal. Tears that taught me says spiritual transactions can happen as we sleep.

But God reigns forever.

The tears remind me of a man of God who led revivals in America but woke up one day feeling powerless. He concluded it signaled God’s will for the end of the revival. I might not tell well what he meant.

But my tears taught me that you can host a guest at night and mess up without your knowledge. Also, I have learned the beauty of seeking wisdom from God and spiritual fathers.

Sema point!

2022 Sober Up

I decided to take a break again and take time in prayer and resolve weaknesses that were causing me tears. I had opportunities to minister in a few churches during this period.

A few asked me to join them as a teacher or teaching pastor. I joined one and was later required to take over the church as the senior pastor at some point.

Let’s leave this story for another post and proceed to appreciate the ministries that have helped me to overcome some challenges during hard times.

4 Ministries That Have Impacted My Faith the Most

Though I am still on my path to success, I am grateful to the men of God and ministries that have impacted my life. They have planted the seed, and God will reward them.

Here is the list:

1. Voice of Salvation and Healing Church (Pithdero church, Siaya County)

When I felt the urge to be born again, I went to The Voice of Salvation and Healing Church, Pithdero branch, Siaya Country) and asked for guidance and prayers. I have always felt grateful for this branch.

2. Redeemed Evangelistic Fellowship -REF (Mathare)

When I was in Nairobi and didn’t know where to fellowship, I knelt to pray. Within about 5 minutes, there was no more doubt. I stopped praying because the confusion was no more. So, I joined this fellowship on 6th July 2008.

I stayed for about 10 years. This church offered an opportunity to fellowship with other brethren, a rare chance in many churches in Nairobi.

The bishop is a trustworthy, wise Bible teacher with a heart for evangelism and missions.

3. Kuna Nuru Gizani and Maximum Miracle Center (Nairobi City Center)

Kuna Nuru Gizani influenced my faith from as early as 2000. The first miracle I saw was my ability to listen to the program without fail. Yes, a miracle.

I always listened to this program. If I forgot for any reason, I would remember about 5 minutes to 8 p.m. every Saturday. This practice continued when I was in high school.

The Saturday programs inspired my first sermons. And the very first one was. ‘Having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by a different road.’

When I came to Nairobi after school (the 2nd time), Maximum Miracle Center offered me the much-needed emotional and spiritual support.

Looking back, I can see how a hopeless boy dangerously needed a word of hope.

Other than hope, I needed a word on which I could base my life. Among others, the preacher called me through word of knowledge at one time and personally gave me this scripture:

Genesis 12:3: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;…”

Yes, that’s my scripture.

The preacher said many other things and added God would tell me the rest directly.

That’s why I don’t curse people. It’s not my work. Those who have worked with me in ministry know that I don’t.

I get uneasy when I hear some spiritual leaders pray for the death of others. Sometimes, I think they are babies.

Nevertheless, all peoples on earth will be blessed through Jesus (Genesis 12:3c).

4. Christian Foundation Fellowship-CFF (Nairobi City Center)

After being prepared by a series of ministers, CFF has taught me a lot, too. Like I did when I was hopeless, I am highly interested in following the teachings of the man of God.

The archbishop is an anointed man with a sacrificial heart for ministry. He is gifted in healing, deliverance, word of knowledge, faith, teaching, and more.

The list of the ministries is long, but I will stop here for now. I look forward to updating it with more names, if appropriate.

Let’s now talk briefly about spiritual cover. I know there are people, including pastors, who fight this concept. I have analyze their claims in one of my articles. You can check out more about this at

Ok, let’s move on.

Seeking Spiritual Cover

As I delved deeper into my faith journey, I stumbled upon the concept of “spiritual cover.” I realized that, much like a tree needs the shelter of a larger canopy for growth, I needed spiritual guidance and mentorship to flourish.

You can follow this link above for more:

Proverbs 11:14 resonates with me: “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors, there is safety.”

The benefits of spiritual cover are far-reaching. Accountability, guidance, and support are some of them.

Ecclesiastes 4:9–10 resonates deeply: “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion.”

The presence of spiritual cover can bring a profound sense of peace and assurance, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with unwavering faith.

It’s akin to Psalms 32:8: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

So, as you embark on your faith journey, remember Isaiah 41:10: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

May your labyrinth be illuminated by faith, and may you discover the truths that will guide you on your unique journey of discovery and growth.



Bernard Omondi

A dedicated writer and brother, committed to sharing God's love and teachings. If I could, I'd do this 24/7! Servingyou.