Bernard Rizzo
1 min readFeb 27, 2017


So, let us look at this in sections:

  1. Considering the things our Grandfathers’ did in WW2, since when was it unacceptable to punch a nazi (white supremacist) in the face?
  2. Attempting to have a reasoned discourse with a nazi/WS is futile. They are violent and adhere to a philosophy of violence towards PoC, religions other than their brand of christianity or some nordic pagan religious groups. To stand there peacefully and allow them to main those around you is not acceptable.
  3. Peaceful Demonstration: Just look at what the white power groups are doing and saying. Why should we appease them with singing kumbayah and handing out flowers. Do you really think that will change their hearts and minds?
  4. One name: Neville Chamberlain. One word: Munich. Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive.
  5. We fought and died to make sure that the nazi movement would not live on. Now we are being asked to accept that as “free speech”? NO. Not while there are still tens of thousands of white grave markers in France where American soldiers lay after giving their lives to stop nazism.
  6. These nazis, these white supremacists, these fascists want to eliminate whole portions of our population. That is their aim. Expulsion of immigrant, killing LGBT people, killing PoC. KILLING… and we should simply let it happen in the name of free speech?
  7. Answer the above and maybe I’ll consider what you said.

