Latin America will use Blockchain

2 min readJun 28, 2018


Latin America is the perfect fertile ground for Blockchain products as they offer censorship resistance, can be used as alternative currency and are unstoppable.

We are organizing “Blockchain On Tour” that will show anyone in Latin America how to use blockchain technology properly and utilize blockchain based products. From Nov. 26th to Dec 3rd we will visit 5 Universities in 5 different countries in Latin America. Each event will have a capacity of 500 people attending. The events are free for people to attend.

We will not educate about the technical aspects, but simply explain how to use the tools it provides. Imagine if the people there would use blockchain like the internet. The Blockchain on Tour will show a new set of tools allowing you to transfer values and build your own business. Early adopters and entrepreneurs learn about the opportunities this new tech brings and the risks involved.

There are three main topics the tour will explain

1. Get Crypto

Buy Cryptocurrencies from real people or earn Cryptocurrencies through marketplaces you create.

2. Keep it safe

Keep your Cryptocurrency safe and learn what centralized vs decentralized means

3. Use Crypto

How to spend Cryptocurrency and build your own business.

We already found six products that fit in one or more of these topics and will explain their solutions: = WhatsApp on Blockchain = Buy and Sell Cryptocurrencies locally

Swarm.City = build your own business = receive funding and transparently spend your budgets = Insure your business P2P = Earn Cryptocurrencies by receiving Likes

If you are interested in visiting the events, you can find more info on or you can contact me on Linkedin or Twitter @berndlapp




I am a Business Developer helping Blockchain products to find customers. I was on the Advisory Board of the Ethereum Foundation and am founder of