Trezor Model T and ElectrumSV Signature Guide

Bernhard Müller
3 min readJun 22, 2020


This guide uses Trezor Model T and Trezor firmware 2.3.0. This firmware allows for Shamir Secret Sharing upon setup of the Wallet with up to 16 shares supported with custom threshold definition.

This guide only covers the signing process. The firmware setup, the wallet setup process as well as transferring some BitcoinSV into the wallet is a precondition to this guide.

Do not use the latest FW 2.3.1 or the signing will not work. It looks like Trezor will fix this in the next release. If you need to downgrade, check this guide.

1. Have Trezor Model T connected and unlocked with PIN

2. Prepare Transaction in Electrum SV

Send Tab of ElectrumSV Wallet (The Description is just for illustration purposes and is not needed for the process to work)

3. Press “Send”

4. Enter your ElectrumSV wallet PW

Enter Password

5. Follow the steps on the Trezor Model T

a. If a path other than m/44’/145’/0’/ is chosen, Trezor asks you to confirm this path:

Confirm Derivation Path

b. Next, Trezor asks if the amount and address are correct. It will show BCH not BSV. Since these have the same signature scheme, this does not matter and it works just as well for BSV

Confirm Amount and Address

c. Next Trezor asks to confirm the Locktime in this Transaction, which seems to be set to the latest block (I don’t know why exactly it asks for this but just confirm it, as it is normal)

Confirm Locktime

d. Check amount and fee and hold for final confirmation of signing process.

Hold to Confirm

6. Electrum SV confirms your TX

ElectrumSV Confirmation

7. Payment received

Other Wallet Shows Incoming TX

