I’ve More Than One Guilty Pleasure, Am I Normal?

Day 26 — Your guiltiest pleasure

Bernie Pullen


Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

So hard to choose.

Does everyone have so many guilty pleasures?

Chocolate, Coffee, Nap or Maybe This?

There’s nothing I like better than munching through a whole bar of chocolate or even chocolate cake.

What do you mean it’s breakfast time?

Yes, I do that sometimes.

In my defence, let me just ask, do you have chocolate spread on your toast? What’s the difference?

Then there’s coffee.

And when you can’t choose between chocolate or coffee.

I’m known for the indulgent nap. Now that is one guilty pleasure that’s really refreshing.

I would have to say though, my guiltiest pleasure is binge-watching dramas.

Once I get into an episode that is me gone. Hooked for hours. Nothing and I mean nothing gets done.



Bernie Pullen

Life experiences intrigue me. Parenting| bereavement|memoir,|travel writer. I’m a coffee lover, I keep grounded by walking in nature, Tai Chi, and Yoga.