fxOpen(Vocesferales) ; //📔#2

5 min readApr 28, 2022


Hear these feral voices — photographer and musician vocesferales brings depth to her newest combination of photography and code

This new project marks her first step into what she’s calling her “Stage II in cryptoart.”


Oh snap — shots fired! 📸💥💥

These are -real- pixels we’re dealing with here, people!

Straight from the Contact Sheet.

Armed with her lenses and her keen eye for emotions, Vocesferales shares generative canvases on fx(hash) that open real windows within meta windows, to compositions of intimacy and a sense of nostalgia.

Lorena (vocesferales) is a Venezuelan photographer and musician since 2003. She’s exploring conceptual/fine arts photography and has a musical solo project called Hilandera.


“I’m marking a difference between what I did before and what I do now.”

How did you get into NFTs?

My husband, who is an artist too, discovered NFTs in 2020 and introduced me to all this new universe (or should I say metaverse?).

When did you start pursuing generative art techniques?

I like to call what I do “randomnized images” projects, more than generative, as I understand that generative art it’s its own thing which I think is amazing and have lot of respect of it. My experimentations with this kind of things came recently when I saw platforms like Async and FxHash. [That was when] something popped up in my head, like: “what if I can do photographies that can mutate in every result?” and that opened up a wider understanding of photography and its possibilities for me.

I’ve been experimenting with different kind of works, from creating collages to more designed things, and composing fictional landscapes. It’s been pretty fun to experiment with photography like this.

Why Tezos? And why fx(hash)?

Because it is affordable for people in Latinoamerica like me. And it’s clean.

Fx(hash) came as a challenge to the possibilities of my creative work that I wanted to try.

“This is a leap to do more complex and realistic projects on fx(hash) — which is very exciting!”

Could you talk a little bit about your new release?

The project is called “Contact Sheet” and it’s an ode to analog photography. I wanted to work with the concept of a contact sheet because it’s the perfect motive for playing with iterations. It’s also a project filled with memories, [ie.] in the pictures there is my first analog camera (which carries a beautiful story behind), the base contact sheet used was my first contact sheet ever, and the elements around it have different meanings in my life. For example the magnifying glass was a distinct object used a lot by my late father.

Two exclusive iterations of Contact Sheet, now minting

You seem to explore alternative uses of photography a lot in your work, each with its unique approach to the mediums at hand. What is the exciting new approach of the moment with Contact Sheet?

This is the first project of what I call the “Stage II” of my path on NFTs, so from the beginning I’m marking a difference between what I did before and what I do now. Before, I worked around the concept of collages (doing,making,saying,thinking or take my hand), mixed pictures (glimpses in the shadow) and design (95 windows).

An iteration of Doing,making,saying,thinking (cropped) — https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/8927

This time [with Contact Sheet] I wanted to make something more realistic, and it was fun to add a certain perceived “depth” also with the elements on the side that are kind of floating, it gives a more three-dimensional aspect to it. So for me this is a leap to do more complex and realistic projects on fx(hash) — which is very exciting!

“I’ll be consciously evolving towards a new type of photography, more conceptual, with more mise-en-scène. More thoughtful.”

Could you name which projects or artists are some of your inspirations?

From outside of NFTs I will say that my biggest inspiration is the photographer Nan Goldin. But in the NFT space I’ve gotten lots and lots of inspiration by the photographers making groundbreaking work like Gisel Flores, Alexis Hunsley, Victoria West, Alejandro Cartagena. I admire them so much.

What are the next steps for STAGE II?

Quoting Rihanna: “work work work work work”. I’m doing sort of this “re-branding” thing (which is weird to say as an artist and not a brand but lately that line is getting blurrier in the times we’re living), where I want to make a turn in how I present myself. But the really important thing is that I’ll be consciously evolving towards a new type of photography, more conceptual, with more mise-en-scène. More thoughtful.

I have a huge list of ideas that I already started working on, that I’ll be dropping in the next few weeks. My goal is to mantain a rythm of one collection per week.

An iteration of Take my handhttps://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/6405

Any shoutouts and final considerations?

First of all thank you for this space to talk about my art, I appreciate it a lot. And shout out to the people that have been supporting me since the beggining: Trash Empress, Toppy Eton, Alicia Riojas, Espinosa, K-Pllo, MxSpite, Purz, Felirami, Octomint. They’re all like family to me and had supported me in the most difficult time of my life, they have done tremendous efforts to help me, which for I will be forever grateful.

And I want to acknowledge here every single person that has collected my art, they have truly changed my life.

Thank you for the interview! Looking forward to the drop.

Thank YOU!

Author: Bernizeck//Glitchachu (Bernardo Izecksohn) is a multidisciplinary cryptoartist and a communicatoooor, graduated in Communication with a major in Media Studies. Through Medium releases and articles, Bernardo aims to highlight mesmerizing artworks and the emerging artists behind them, in the current cryptoart scene.

If you’re interested in having your project featured in a future edition of fxOpen(); please reach out on twitter at @bernizeck

Now, what are you waiting for?! Happy minting!

I feel you, Voces…🙃very relatable meme by vocesferales

