Zero Waste Life; Why I try to stop single-use plastic?

Berre Sena Demirci
4 min readApr 9, 2020


When I was in high school I saw a video about the zero waste life and I admire her opinion and idea. Because of her trash in only a little jar for 3 years. When I thought about a normal day in my life, I didn’t count how many packets we have used and how many trash we have produced.

Just imagine this story, you go to the supermarket and you just want to buy pasta for plastic-free or packet free, how many brands make a packet without plastic or how many supermarkets accept to give your pasta with your packet?

After the video, when I went to the supermarket almost I didn’t buy anything because lots of products were within a plastic packet. I felt unsuccessful and lost the game. But after that, I found a midcourse about it. I decided to go step-one step and the first step is a live plastic-free packet. This is the first way to live with zero-waste life for me.

Why I try to stop single-use plastic?

My life’s aims are living better and feeling good but plastics can’t feel it. Because when drinking in plastic straw or plastic bottle, I feel like that taste is getting worse. And it didn't feel like hygienically.

Otherwise, plastics don't decompose in nature quickly. It takes a too long time and I don't want to give trash to the world when I died. If you check your carbon footprints you can see clearly how much damage give you to earth in your life.

Here the methods which are I trying to do in my life for decreasing plastic consumptions to help your aim;

Don't Use a Plastic Straw

I try to stop using a plastic straw. Generally, I choose glasses with a wide mouth to drink without a straw. The other options using metal or bamboo straw.

A plastic straw decomposes 200 years in nature.

Don’t Use Plastic Forks and Spoons

If I order a meal for my home, I write a note to don’t want to plastic forks or spoons. But if I don’t find a steel one I only chose forks or spoon not the two of them.

A plastic fork or spoon decomposes 100+ years in nature.

Don't Use Single-use Coffee Cups

If I go to the coffee shop I request my coffee in my thermos or a mug in the coffee shop to the barista.

The best thing is thermoses keep coffee hotter than the plastic cups.

Another side when I drink coffee in a mug, it tastes is better than the single-use one and it looks like an extra coffee in the mug.

Single-use coffee cup decomposes 30 years in nature.

Don’t Use Single-use Plastic Bottle

When I go outside I take my water bottle with me. Generally, I use a water bottle with stainless steel which is taken to long cold water and it is lighter than a glass one. If I have got a heavy bag and haven't got a space in my bag for the day, I use a collapsible bottle. You can choose the best bottles for you in the link.

A plastic bottle decomposes 450 years in nature.

Don’t Use Plastic Bags

Nowadays lots of people change their habits. I go shopping with my backpack or fabric shopping bag.

A plastic bag decomposes 20 years in nature.

These are what do I use less plastic. If you have good advice or have an opinion about it please write a comment.

