Configuring GitHub Personal Access Token Globally: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

2 min readJun 3, 2023


In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of configuring your GitHub Personal Access Token globally, allowing you to authenticate seamlessly across all your projects. By following these steps, you can enhance your workflow and eliminate the need to repeatedly enter your credentials when interacting with GitHub repositories from the command line.

Step 1: Generating your Personal Access Token

  1. Visit the GitHub website and navigate to your account settings.
  2. Click on “Developer settings” and then select “Personal access tokens.”
  3. Generate a new token by clicking on the “Generate new token” button.
  4. Provide a descriptive note for your token and select the appropriate scopes or permissions.
  5. Once you’ve configured the necessary settings, click on the “Generate token” button.

Step 2: Configuring Git with your Personal Access Token

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Execute the following command to configure Git to use your Personal Access Token as the credential helper:
git config --global credential.helper 'store --file ~/.git-credentials'

3. Next, add your Personal Access Token to the Git credentials file by running the following command:

echo "${TOKEN}" >> ~/.git-credentials
  • Replace username with your GitHub username and TOKEN with your Personal Access Token.

Step 3: Testing the Configuration

  1. To verify that the configuration is successful, try performing a Git operation on any of your GitHub repositories. You should not be prompted to enter your username or password.
  2. If the operation completes without requiring authentication, congratulations! You have successfully configured your GitHub Personal Access Token globally.

Conclusion: By configuring your GitHub Personal Access Token globally, you can streamline your Git workflow and eliminate the inconvenience of repeatedly entering your credentials. This tutorial has guided you through the process, allowing you to authenticate seamlessly across all your projects. Enjoy the benefits of a more efficient and hassle-free interaction with GitHub!

Remember to keep your Personal Access Token secure and avoid sharing it with others. If you ever suspect that your token has been compromised, regenerate it immediately to maintain the security of your GitHub account.

Happy coding!




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