Greater Israel

3 min readOct 27, 2023


Expansion of Israel

‘Greater Israel’ sounds rather novel and eludes to its greatness, in fact it is about the expansion of Israel, creating new borders, backed by key allies US, UK and France etc.

‘Greater Israel’ constitutes of parts of Lebanon, Jordon, Syria and parts of even Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

It is evident the re-elected Zionist Government is openly denying Palestinian statehood. This is the Israeli cause, and according to the Founder of Zionism Theodore Herzl,“the area of the Jewish State stretches: ‘From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates’.”

How could this be achieved, well you don’t have to reflect too far in history, but neighbouring Arab states are vulnerable, with the war in Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, ongoing war in Iraq and Yemen, and the change in regiment in Egypt.

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East is to fracture and weaken it with the support of the West as a way to expand Israel, to gain more land and control. Israel would be a great ally for the West, and planted in the heart of the Middle East, a very strategic plan.

What is happening right now is genocide, and it is all for the expansion of Israel. Initially, it involved excluding Palestinians from Palestine with the eventual annexation of Gaza and West Bank.

It will not stop there.

It all stems from The Yinon Plan (a colonial strategic plan to gain control in the Middle East). According to Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya in a 2011 Global Research article:

“[The Yinon plan] is an Israeli strategic plan to ensure Israeli regional superiority. It insists and stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geo-political environment through the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.”

The aim is to make Israel a Imperial Regional Power.

What is balkanisation; ‘Balkanization, division of a multinational state into smaller ethnically homogeneous entities. The term also is used to refer to ethnic conflict within multiethnic states.’

If we look for example: there is conflict in Iraq between Shia, Sunni and Kurdish. This is an ethnic fragmentation that fundamentally leads to political fragmentation. Political fragmentation destabilises a nation, and can be seen as an economic weapon of mass destruction. As these fragmented states cannot work alongside one another to create policies that benefit them all, giving power to the rest.

Fundamentally, it is divide and rule, by the unspoken Puppet Master.

There is more layers to this, but the focus here is The Yinon Plan, and it is evident that certain provisions needed to be in place for the plan to be facilitated successfully. To create not an Arab world but a world of Arab fragments that surrender to Israel.

Hence, Oded Yinon in his essay, “A Strategy for Israel in the 1980′s,” talks about “far-reaching opportunities for the first time since 1967′′ that are created by the “very stormy situation [that] surrounds Israel.”

This is being actioned by barbaric means and would could call it a modern day crusade.

What is common is the dehumanisation of a group of people and more recently we have found Zionists referring to Palestinians as ‘animals’.

We all know what happened during the crusaders, they turned to cannibalism. If anything this reiterates the dehumanisation of people, that they were ‘fighting against animals’. There were reports that include impaling of children on spits etc.

Dehumanising a group of people, is a psychological process that demonises people and acts a loophole to harm other humans. When people believe that other humans are less than human, then the treatment of these ‘less humans’ reflects in their actions. By dehumanising a group of people leads to inhumane treatment; genocide, rape, torture, slavery, and other atrocities.

It removes accountability, and compassion for others, as often the targeted group are deemed ‘animals’. So, any action taken towards this group is what they supposedly deserve and warranted and is accepted as they are just ‘animals’.

And the world watches on in silence.

The Palestinian are human, with hopes and dreams, like the rest of us. Their crime was being born to a Land that was going to serve a greater purpose for the West…

The past 75 years is about Greater Israel, not about the Jews having a home, remember, historically Muslim Leaders of Palestine, wanted to live together in unity; in ‘spiritual harmony’.




An independent brown woman representing the colour brown and beyond. Ready to learn and share her alternative perspective through rants on this complex world.