27 and Still Haven’t Found My Best Friend: Reflecting on the Journey

Berry Harper
3 min readMar 25, 2024


At 27, many of us envision our lives filled with meaningful connections, laughter, and shared adventures with a best friend by our side. Yet, for some, this vision remains elusive, leaving us to navigate the complexities of adulthood without a steadfast companion to lean on.

Growing up, the idea of a best friend seemed like a given, a natural extension of childhood camaraderie. We shared secrets, dreams, and countless memories with those we considered our closest confidants. But as the years passed and life took its course, maintaining those childhood friendships became increasingly challenging.

For some, the transition into adulthood meant geographical distance as careers and personal pursuits led us to different cities or even countries. Others found that evolving interests and lifestyles created rifts in once inseparable friendships. And then there were those of us who simply drifted apart, our lives taking divergent paths as we pursued our individual aspirations.

Navigating adulthood without a best friend can be a lonely journey, marked by moments of longing for the kind of connection that feels like home. We attend social gatherings, participate in group activities, and engage in small talk with acquaintances, all while yearning for that deeper connection that seems to evade us.

At times, the absence of a best friend can weigh heavily on our hearts, triggering feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. We wonder what’s wrong with us, why we haven’t been able to forge the kind of bond that others seem to effortlessly cultivate. We question whether we’re somehow lacking, whether we’re not worthy of the profound connection we crave.

Yet, amidst the solitude and longing, there’s also a quiet strength that emerges. We learn to rely on ourselves, to find solace in our own company, and to embrace the freedom that comes with solitude. We discover that being alone doesn’t equate to loneliness, that there’s beauty in the quiet moments of self-reflection and introspection.

In the absence of a best friend, we become adept at cultivating connections in unexpected places. We find camaraderie in the laughter shared with colleagues over lunch breaks, in the conversations struck up with strangers at coffee shops, and in the bonds formed with kindred spirits through shared interests and passions.

And while the journey may be marked by moments of loneliness and longing, it’s also punctuated by moments of profound connection and joy. We cherish the friendships we do have, whether they’re fleeting encounters or lifelong bonds, recognizing that each connection, no matter how brief, enriches our lives in its own unique way.

So, to those of us who are 27 and still haven’t found a best friend, know that you’re not alone. Your journey is valid, your experiences are worthy, and your worthiness isn’t defined by the presence of a singular confidant. Trust in the timing of your life, embrace the connections that come your way, and remember that true friendship often finds us when we least expect it.



Berry Harper

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