6 Tips to Ship Using eBay

Berry Milligan
4 min readAug 4, 2018


A successful eBay business is not possible without an efficient way to ship your goods around the world. Your customers will expect it to be delivered timely and professionally. This will create a relationship with your customers that will leave them wanting to come back again and again for their buying needs.

Is shipping more than just dropping off a package at the post office and hoping it gets there? Can you do more to ensure safe, secure, and prompt delivery? Here are 6 Tips to Ship that will turn your store from average to exceptional.

Calculating the Costs

If you’re unfamiliar with shipping rates, you might be in for a surprise. They vary — a lot — and can catch you off guard when you go to send your next shipping boxes. The USPS, UPS, DHL, and FedEx have any number of different ways for you to send your package. This is calculated using weight, size, and shipping speed to determine the costs.

eBay has a free shipping calculator in the listing section of their platform. When listing your item, you can choose up to three domestic and three international shipping options for your customer to choose. This allows them to make this important decision and leaves you with the freedom to focus on your business. The customer will use this calculator to determine how much they want to spend on shipping based on how fast they want their purchase to arrive.

Labels & Postage

Heading to the local shipping company with your shipping boxes and paying for postage is so early-2000s. Today, eBay allows you the convenience and ease of purchasing shipping from your home in a one-stop shop on their platform.

Businesses can purchase shipping, print out labels, and schedule package pickup all within the same program. eBay even allows this process to be automated through the use of 3rd party shipping services. No need to wait in line at the post office anymore.

USPS: Reliable and Cost-Effective

With a multitude of options to ship your product, USPS tries to cover all of the bases. While their customer service could use some work, their prices and choices for shipping are unmatched. The addition of flat rate boxes have expanded their reach and have allowed a consistent pricing structure for sellers to use.

The USPS even works hard to grow their business with the recent addition of a shoebox size shipping box. This was due to the demand from eBay shoe sellers who were looking for a flat rate container to ship their product. USPS responded in kind and has developed their business even more.

United Parcel Service: Post Office Killer?

It wasn’t that long ago that UPS was driving USPS out of business. Amazon has changed the game and brought USPS along for the ride bringing them to shipping superiority but UPS isn’t going down without a fight.

In fact, UPS isn’t going down at all. It’s still the number one choice for businesses with over 75% of the shipping e-commerce world using their services both domestically and internationally. Their website is super helpful and offers guides to walk you through the best shipping options for your needs.

Going International

Shipping products international can get cost prohibitive quickly. eBay provides a handy international shipping guide that assists in finding the perfect option for your business.

eBay wants you to sell more and tries to find ways to save you money so that your business can continue to evolve and scale. The entrance to the international marketplace has never been easier than with eBay.

Discussing the Matter

eBay’s discussion boards are an incredible way to get information about shipping directly from other business owners. You will find the latest trends, hot deals, and uncover the latest international markets all in one location. Current issues or delays in the shipping industry can be discovered instantly on these boards.

It doesn’t have to be a struggle to grow your business relationship with customers on eBay. All it takes is a willingness to learn, flexibility, and positive thinking to achieve your goals. eBay shipping makes it easy to match the demands of your customers with your own business needs.

