Is possible to scrap Facebook data in 2019

Bertha Brenes
2 min readNov 13, 2019


After a long and exhausted search looking to extract publication data from Facebook.
First, I tried with the FaceBook-Graph-API, following the steps in Facebook developers to extract public data from public pages. But I get denied every time I sent an authorization request.

My specific case was; extracting publications from Facebook’s public pages for educational research purpose, I wanted to know the activity in public page of the “Agroecology in America”. This study is carried out at the LISIS laboratory, in collaboration with INRA France.

Facebook can be a good platform to inform and get connection with friends and love ones. But at the same time is a platform people post personal, sensible and critical information that can be used against them. It is therefore very important for the users and programmers to pay attention
to their published data.

After the moral section, and the failure with FaceBook-Graph-API; I tried to scrap some Facebook page using this code of Levi Borodenko but i didn't get important information like comments, dates, likes…. So, I tried to make an scrapper with the same structure of my previous scrapping tutorial in “” but I encountered several problems, like Facebook easily detects my bot and blocks my page, or the HTML code which changes every time I refresh the page and is therefore no longer recognized by my scrapper.

So I kept looking and I found in this publication that its possible, using the “”. It really works, but I have put my login credentials to scrape it.

This use case it’s like a spider looking publication with the query “agroecology”. The code first put the query in the searchBar of Facebook, then get all resulting page. And then go page by page scrapping each publications. I done in this way because I can get more information than just searching in
the results of the first request.

I keep doing emphasis that this scrapper it was using for educational purpose and not for get money or any business activity.The scrapped data will be deleted just after the analysis and not hosted in any cloud.

