Bringing crypto to the masses..

Bert Bosman
3 min readMay 9, 2018


Yesterday I’ve talked about the practicality of applications connected to the blockchain, and what is already possible to do or make for every single one of us, within this new and very interesting world… at the Blockchainlab Amsterdam. This meet-up space is called BlockDam and you are more than welcome to join us on our co-working Tuesdays in de Beurs of Berlage. Check out Permissionless Society on!

Source picture: cointelegraph and artwork by Pawel Kuczynski

One thing I’ve talked about and that I’m pretty concerned with in particular is related to the concepts of ‘democratization’ and ‘accessibility’…

First. I feel that all people should be able to use crypto-currencies and their applications and that everyone should have the same possibilities within this space, no matter their budget or their technological skill. Second. Preferably everyone should also be able to participate anonymous and permissionless. Third. People should always have the possibility to walk away from ‘a coin or a initiative’ and join something else…

To join something which applies more to your standards? A bit of clarification on this last one. You should always be able to walk away without the problem of what one could call ‘collateral damage’. You can see it like this. When you leave LinkedIn… it should not have an effect on your curriculum vitae or even worse on ‘you getting a job’ somewhere. But that’s just one example off course. I’ll definitely go into this subject some more in articles to come…

Today I see in the never-ending stream of crypto-news that Facebook has formed an exploratory blockchain-team. They have the possibility ‘to educate’ two billion people in the world within a few months about crypto! For everyone who thinks Facebook is done. I would not underestimate their ability to innovate, since they are only about ten years old and are leading in many perspectives… but a huge battle does seem to appear on the horizon.

I hope that Mark Zuckerberg and his team will honour the ‘rules’ above. Of the first one I’m pretty sure. He will definitely make his crypto-initiatives as accessible as possible to all of his users. This will be very good development in my opinion. The second rule… mmm… not so much though. Facebook has so much info about us that it will be pretty difficult to honor the ‘anonimity’ part. The third rule is also a challenge. This team within Facebook will probably come up with something that tries to tie the average users of their platform to them in a way we can’t anticipate yet. I wouldn’t want to be in this team leaders’ shoes by the way. It seems to me he has a pretty difficult job to find a fitting solution to this ‘problem to solve’. The blockchain is fundamental disruptive to any central authority in my opinion.

So yes… I am very curious to see what they come up with. I hope it will ‘help to take the power away from the centralized system and place it back in the hands of individuals’ indeed, as Mark mentions in this article. Let’s wait and see what happens! ;)

#bitcoin #cryptotothemasses

#blockchain #innovation

For the article, check out the link below…

