Berthony DuverglasGoals and Dreams Week 1What are your dreams? What are your goals? What do you want you ultimate destination to be? Making sure your that finances are in order…Feb 2, 2017Feb 2, 2017
Berthony Duverglas8 Truths of a BudgetCreating a budget is very rewarding. The whole point of a budget is to order your money where to go. You’ll pay off your debt faster or put…Jan 24, 2017Jan 24, 2017
Berthony Duverglas9 Tips to get Rid of your debtDon’t be tempted cut the credit cards. If you keep them around you more likely use them. The average credit card debt is $5,700 while, the…Jan 14, 2017Jan 14, 2017
Berthony DuverglasBudget Your Way to a Simple LifeCreating a budget allows you to see many things about your spending, your habits, what makes you second guess, and even what makes you…Jan 12, 2017Jan 12, 2017
Berthony Duverglas# HungerAre you truly hungry to get what you want? To be in a place where you dream is closer enough to touch. To be chasing after your goal so…Jan 6, 2017Jan 6, 2017
Berthony DuverglasThe Debt Free MissionImagine yourself in a place where you no longer have debt. No longer have people asking you where is the money you owe me. To pay something…Jan 3, 2017Jan 3, 2017
Berthony DuverglasHOW TO GET STARTED WITH THE BABY STEPSFirst you need a budget whether written or using every dollar or creating an excel spreadsheet. You need to be able to look at how much…Dec 29, 2016Dec 29, 2016