9 Tips to get Rid of your debt

Berthony Duverglas
4 min readJan 14, 2017


  1. Don’t be tempted cut the credit cards. If you keep them around you more likely use them. The average credit card debt is $5,700 while, the average carrying balance is $16,048. Total Outstanding debt at $3.4 trillion and it my opinion that is ridiculous. The best way to stop using your cards is to cut them up. Having a credit card is not a safety net it is a crutch and no one wants to stay on crutch (especially ones going into your pockets). The day I got rid of my card is the day I paid them in full. The thing that annoyed me the most is I was charged a $1.15 for one and .89 cents for the other.
  2. Following the Dave Ramsey baby step after losing what you thought was your security blank we will save $1,000. This is a baby emergency fund and this might be the most difficult if your not a saver already. Now, sell what you can that you don’t use to make that $1,000. Have some security without having an interest rate attached to it. Trust me, trust the process it will bring your happiness in the end when you realize that you don’t have those payments anymore. You will have the sense of relief I promise you and the reason I can give you that promise is because I already feel it. I got rid of two credit cards, one medical bill, and now my target is my student loans.
  3. Create the best “why” you can for this goals. Why are we doing this sacrifice right now? What is the end result of your journey? Why do you truly want to become debt free? Is it because you want to relive your stress? Is it that your sick of these companies going into your pocket every month? These are my reason you’ll the only person that can choose yours. First, I wanted to tell my money what do to from now on. Second, I hate the emails saying your bill is due (do you want to pay now) that is annoying. Three, the stress of making sure each bill was paid and paid on time is draining from my life. Four, using cash to pay my bills and having the knowledge that its mine only is very rewarding. Five, becoming debt free allowed me to control my life better and carry that over to the rest of my life. My next journey is weight loss.
  4. Trust the plan. This plan has help millions of people get out of debt for over 20 years. Check out YouTube and look for debt free screams. They are very motivating each time you hear one. To the point where on the days I lose some motivated I’ll get go to my favorite and re-watch the ones I thought were amazing. They will not only help motive you but allow you to realize that it is not impossible. You deal with what you tolerant as said by Tony Robbins and that is so true. If you no longer tolerant being in debt you will do what others assume impossible.
  5. Visual your goal. Put them on a spread sheet, poster board, or even put the bills side my side to watch the numbers drop. Once you see the progress you might never want to stop. You’ll keep the debt snowball rolling and keep thinking about when can I finish this and that. Your goals are achievable but only if you wish it. You can get this done and this will change your family tree as said by Dave Ramsey.
  6. Be intentional. The whole thing about this is what are you doing with your time what are you doing with your money. Are you telling your money want to do and where to go? Are you spending time trying to reach your goals little by little every day? What are you doing for 16 hours a day? As Gary V said it not about how long your stay up to do something but the quality of what your doing. This is always true in every day of our lives. Be very intentional in your life.
  7. You will trip up and guess what that is ok. Stay a student and remember every day you will have a change. Just roll with the changes and reset yourself right after it happens. The problem with mistakes is that we allow that to hold us back. Realize the mistake, break it down in parts, and figure out how to change it. Maybe you brought way too much food. Break it down did I need this food or did I want this food? Do I have a lot of waste at the end of the week, 2 weeks, or a month? What can I do better next time? Make a grocery list. Now, lets check on the list so, far so good. Next week ok my list wasn’t that good. Next week yes my list was on point. Keep on testing. Stay the student.
  8. Looks how far your have made it. When on this journey you will sit there at time like is it really worth? Is all this really making any change to my life? My best thing to say to you is don’t look at how many steps is left to finish (sometimes) but how much you have done. How many cards have you paid off 2. How many medical bills you paid off 1. How you have the big one left lets get this done.
  9. Don’t give up. The only way anything wins is if you give up. That now you get stuck in life. DON’T GIVE UP.

