Suya SkiesIt’s 2:13 am in Lagos on a Thursday night, 200 meters down a sparsely lit street in Lekki phase 2 there’s a street-food corner to satisfy…Apr 9, 20241Apr 9, 20241
Published inFlutter CommunityStoring local data with hive (and provider) in flutterOne of the most important parts of app development is data storage and manipulation, and the same is true for flutter apps. There are many…Jul 17, 20202Jul 17, 20202
Published inLevel Up CodingDependency Injection in Dart/Flutter AppsDependency Injection is a way of making the dependencies of an object available via another object, and these dependencies are usually…Feb 25, 20205Feb 25, 20205
Dynamic Links With Flutter and FirebaseI recently had to create, use and handle deep links for a flutter app. It took me some time to get resources online, I felt that wasn’t…Dec 21, 2019Dec 21, 2019
Integration tests with flutter and DartUnit and widget tests in flutter help us test classes, functions, methods and widgets, but they don’t help for larger test cases, like…Dec 1, 2019Dec 1, 2019
Published inBetter ProgrammingFlutter Automated Tests — Getting StartedA look at automated unit and widget testsOct 28, 20194Oct 28, 20194
Published inBetter ProgrammingAsync Programming in Flutter with StreamsAsynchronous Programming is a principle that allows a portion of your programs run while waiting for some other activities to occur in…Aug 28, 20193Aug 28, 20193