The next era of computers: “Quantum Computing”

Beshari Neesha
3 min readFeb 19, 2022


Quantum computing is a new era of computer technology, developing based on Quantum theory. Quantum theory is the way of explaining the behaviour of energy and material on the atomic and subatomic levels. Current computers have been restricted to using bits ( Value of 1 or 0) to encode information. But Quantum computing uses quantum bits. It is also called qubits. A Qubit can be either 1 or 0, or a superposition of both 0 and 1. With more qubits, the power of quantum computers is growing.

The invention of quantum computing was started in the 1980s. Quantum algorithms were a more efficient way to solve computational problems than using classical computers. These Quantum computers are mainly based on features of quantum physics called superposition and entanglement. The advantage of this quantum phenomenon empowers quantum computers to handle operations with lower energy consumption and higher speed than classical computers.

Applications of quantum computers

Quantum computers are applied to improve different fields thanks to their ability to easily query, monitor, analyze and act on data, regardless of the source.

· Field of finance (In banking -to manage credit risk, for high-frequency trading and fraud detection.)

· Military affairs and intelligence (improve radars and their ability to detect such things as missiles and aircraft)

· Drug design and discovery

· Aerospace designing

· Utilities ( nuclear fusion)

· Polymer design

· Machine learning and artificial intelligence

· Big data search

· Digital manufacturing

· Comparison of classical computer and quantum computer
Google’s researchers have successfully tested error correction methods with the company’s Sycamore processor.

Comparison of classical computer and quantum computer

Most prominent technology companies to work in the field of quantum computing

Ø Google

Ø Microsoft


Ø Alibaba

Ø D-Waves systems

Ø Nokia


Ø Toshiba

Ø Intel

Ø Airbus

Ø SK Telecom


Ø Raytheon

Ø Lockheed martin

Ø Rigetti

Ø Biogen

Ø Volkswagen

Ø Amgen

Quantum computing is more powerful than classical computers and it is the best tool for big data analysis or simulations. There is high production and maintenance cost for quantum computers (still costs billion). The uses are exclusive for areas specialized for data analysing, running simulations for now. Due to these facts, quantum computers have not been commercially developed yet. Scientists, technologists are developing this area and encouraging students to code with quantum computing. Therefore we can keep hopes on the faster technological world in near future with quantum computing.

