William The Conqueror and his Feudal System

1 min readNov 2, 2021

I’ve watched a video about the Feudal System and the Domesday Book. It was quite interesting to dive into English history.

So, William the Conqueror needed a strong government. That’s why decided to develop the Feudal System for some reasons:

- It provided the government with money that used for building new castles and maintain an army

- Even William was away this strong government worked

- A reliable system of soldiers

- Keep Anglo-Saxon systems and show that he was the rightful heir

This system had 4 levels: The King, Tenants-In-Chief (Barons and Bishops), Knights, Peasants.

In 1085 the Domesday Survey was conducted and it took about one year to complete the survey. The country was divided into 7 circuits (regions) and the visits began. Commissioners asked questions about the Land Ownership and Changes across the period 1066–1085. This survey was really important for William’s control and allowed him to charge the rent more properly and officially.

