Why That Annoying Slogan Actually Made You Come Back

Besser Joshúe Davila
4 min readJun 5, 2019


When creating a business, I have found that there is a zero percent chance of it being successful if I don’t market what I have. Marketing is showing people what you have to offer by creating a “buy-in”, or creating a marketing strategy that makes it impossible for them NOT to be intrigued by what you are doing. There are TONS of companies and businesses out there that have amazing marketing techniques to grab people and turn them into loyal customers, and in this post, I want to list a few of them and break down what strategies they use to have success in their business.

I am not creating a food/beverage company, but I think the marketing strategies used by businesses in this industry have used amazing marketing strategies, so I have decided to dive deeper into the food/beverage industry. I want to specifically look at the marketing strategy of slogans. All of the companies that I will talk about have large billboards, catchy commercials, emails, newsletters, and famous people to promote their products. I want to look deeper into the words that these companies use to grab and entice their audience while using these mediums of billboards, commercials, etc.

  1. McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” & Golden Arches
McDonald’s Logo and Slogan

This is one of the most popular slogans and marketing strategies. We all know the “I’m Lovin’ It” which is such a powerful, yet simple phrase. This company has grown so much and continues to grow, and I believe that one of the reasons for the immense growth is because of the catchy slogan that it has. It is easy to remember, and straight to the point.

2. Coca-Cola “Open Happiness”

Coca-Cola “Open Happiness” Campaign and Slogan

Another very popular and successful company in the food and beverage industry is Coca-Cola. Coke was invented in the 1900s, and still remains one of the most popular (if not the most popular) drinks in the world. Again, there is something similar between the marketing strategies of Coca-Cola and McDonalds, and it is the slogan. The short saying of “Open Happiness” is plastered everywhere that you see this product, from their commercials to their billboards. It is easy to remember, and provokes an emotional response by using the word “happiness”.

3. KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) “It’s Finger Lickin Good”

KFC “It’s Finger Lickin Good” Slogan

The third company I want to focus on is KFC, because who doesn’t like fried chicken… Anyways, they also have a popular slogan of “it’s finger lickin good”. This is also a short and sweet way to grab potential customers at the end of their fun and funny commercials into buying their products. I have also linked one of their new commercials that I found amusing.

To wrap all of this up, I think that there are many ways to portray your information about your company, such as billboards, commercials, handouts, etc. but what I have found that stays with people the most is a catchy jingle or short, memorable slogan. I can list many different commercials that I get stuck in my head because the jingle is so catchy. I think that is a very effective marketing strategy, and after just watching the KFC commercial… it makes me want to eat some “finger lickin good” chicken.

