Spending Tracker For Zomato & Swiggy

Calculate year-wise food expenditure on Zomato and Swiggy.

Top Rated Chrome Extensions
2 min readJul 13, 2023

The Spending Tracker Chrome Extension for Zomato and Swiggy is designed to help you keep track of your expenses while ordering food from these popular online platforms. With the ever-increasing popularity of food delivery services, it’s easy to lose track of how much you’re spending. However, with our Chrome extension, you can monitor your expenditures Whether you’re a food enthusiast or someone who frequently orders meals for convenience, this extension will provide you with valuable insights into your spending habits.

Key Features of the Spending Tracker Chrome Extension for Zomato & Swiggy:

  1. Accurate Year-Wise Spending Calculation: The extension provides precise calculations of your spending on Zomato and Swiggy, categorized by year. Easily review and analyze your yearly expenses to identify trends and adjust your budget accordingly.
  2. Most Ordered Dishes in Zomato & Swiggy: Discover the most popular dishes you’ve ordered from Zomato and Swiggy. The extension compiles a list of your frequently ordered items, allowing you to explore your culinary preferences and make informed decisions when placing future orders.

How to use Spending Tracker For Zomato & Swiggy?

1. Install the Extension: Install the Spending Tracker Chrome Extension from the Chrome Web Store and add it to your browser.

2. Log in to Zomato & Swiggy: Log in to your Zomato and Swiggy accounts using your credentials.

3. Enable the Extension: Once logged in, click on the extension icon in your browser’s toolbar to activate it.

4. Place Orders: Start placing orders on Zomato and Swiggy as you normally would. The extension will automatically track your expenses in real time.

5. View Spending Analytics: Click on the extension icon to access the Spending Tracker. Here, you can view detailed spending analytics, charts, and graphs that provide insights into your food-related expenses.



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